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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Naked protesters simulate killing of animals in Barcelona

Message: How many lives to a shelter?

BARCELONA - About fifty animal advocates rallied Sunday lying completely naked in a square in Barcelona to denounce the "cruelties" inflicted on the animals whose skins are used to make garments.

"How many lives for a coat?" Asked a sign of a young woman lying among the demonstrators at the Plaza de Sant Jaume, in the historic center of Barcelona.

Those who lay on the floor were smeared with red paint that simulated blood, symbolically representing the remains of dead animals to make fur coats.

"People are sensitive to the suffering of animals is the fur garments as acts of cruelty and pain, not as objects of luxury. The animals need their fur, we do not," said Leticia Olivares, a spokesman for the international advocacy group of AnimaNaturalis animals, which organizes the event.

Millions of foxes, minks, otters, beavers, bobcats and other species are bred in captivity in small boxes, or captured and killed in very brutal conditions, such as drowning or electrocuting them, to make fur coats, the group said.

Spain and Greece, Germany and Italy are important fur, according AnimaNaturalis. In Spain, breeding farm animals whose fur is used to make clothes are usually in the north, and the fur industry is implanted in Catalonia


Practiced cruelty to animals, as well as the cruelty committed against the people, has the same meaning for those who suffer, the pain is incomprehensible. And the same origin: the same cruelty.
On Sunday 12 December and to mark the International Day of Animal Rights, Plasencia Ecologists in Action will hold a series of activities in the Plaza Mayor of the town in order to raise public awareness about animal sentience and respect for nature.

The events will begin at 11 am with the presentation of an information booth which illustrates the history of suffering Artik, the Siberian husky at the hands of those entitled to her protection suffered brutal abuse. Also it will perform a mini Canine Education Workshop, which will present the basic skills to understand and comprehend, the dogs and the basic rules to develop a respectful relationship. Finally, at 12 hours calls for a concentration in the same place to express the revulsion at animal abuse.

Although the law sets out rules to know, protect and respect animals as living beings and part of the same common nature in order to give appropriate treatment and to avoid unnecessary suffering, the practice persists, not infrequently, in return the worst image of human nature: cruelty to which is subject to the weakest. You need to realize that the mistreatment of animals is a stimulus, and early warning, development of other undesirable behaviors. For this is the task of society to promote educational processes that demonstrate a sense of respect and protection for animals as living creatures and sensitive part of our nature. Develop educational programs where children form sensitive to nature and animals in order to help form good men and most likely responsible pet owners and protectors of nature ...

And also because of the holiday season, Ecologists in Action notes that "An animal is not a toy," the avalanche of acquiring pet as a Christmas gift, of which a large percentage end up being abandoned. Also worth recalling the various problems that are causing the "fashion" of acquiring exotic animals as pets, so we encourage you not to buy animals such as spiders, reptiles, parrots and other exotic birds and wild animals are not exotic ( partridge, finches).
And if you really want to help alleviate animal cruelty, you can adopt a pet (dog, cat ...) from an abandoned animal shelter. Before their rejection is the best gesture from abuse.


The extinction of species increases the occurrence of infectious diseases

The disappearance of all species, from bacteria to mammals, represents a threat to human health because it increases the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases, according to a study released yesterday by the journal Nature.
Protecting biodiversity is more than fighting for the environment as a rich variety of animal and plant species in ecosystems helps prevent infectious diseases, according to the detailed study by experts from the universities of Princeton (New Jersey) and Cornell ( New York) and the New York Bard College.
The work of these scientists, entitled "Impact of Biodiversity in the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases, reveals a direct connection between the two, to point out that the loss of species in ecosystems such as forests and woodlands resulting in an increase in pathogens.
Experts say that animals, plants and microbes that tend to disappear when destroyed biodiversity are those that dampen the transmission of infectious diseases like West Nile virus, Lyme disease and hantavirus.
"We knew about specific cases in which an increasing biodiversity decline in the incidence of disease, but we have found that this pattern is much more general. This decline increases the transmission of a wide range of infectious systems," said Felicia Keesing, environmental expert at Bard College in New York and one of the authors of the study.
This paper shows that this pattern is for different types of infectious entities such as viruses, bacteria and fungi, and a wide range of organisms that host, whether human, animal or plant.
"As species disappear, the disease transmission rates can be accelerated. If you protect biodiversity can reduce the incidence of established pathogens," said Professor meanwhile Drew Harvell, an expert in ecology and evolutionary biology Cornell University said in a statement.
The study's authors insist that, in cases such as Lyme disease, which can be transmitted to humans by ticks that carry certain animals, their incidence is higher in ecosystems where biodiversity has been reduced.
They claim, for example, that in places where there is opossums intact communities, the rate of transmission of disease to humans is reduced, because the ticks are capable of surviving in these animals. If the presence of these mammals decline, increases the chance of infection.
The study also shows that the protective effect of different species is clearest in the land than the oceans, and that they produce "a new equation in respect to the transmission of diseases, climate change and biodiversity" , according to Harvell.
"Outbreaks of disease are accelerating due to global warming and this happens when we do not know the direct links in the chain of transmission of diseases," said the expert from Cornell.
In the work of these scientists and experts also made an appeal to authorities to carry out a follow-up "more rigorous" areas where there are large numbers of domesticated animals or farmed, whether land or marine.
"That would reduce the ability of infectious diseases jumping from animals into wild habitats to domestic and then to humans," said Andrew Dobson on the other hand, a professor at Princeton University.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Cuba discovered in a strange seashell-shaped ball vuvuzela


Is one of a thousand marine species have been inventoried in the peninsula of Guanahacabibes.

An odd-shaped seashell vuvuzela ball has been discovered by a Spanish-Cuban team of researchers in Guanahacabibes (Cuba), 750 km south of the platform "Macondo", the oil spill has caused a major ecological disaster the history of mankind.
The finding has occurred in the reef ecosystem Guanahacabibes, where the research team performed since 2006 the inventory of marine shellfish waters are home to the peninsula, according to Efe recounts one of the researchers, Leopoldo Moro, Biodiversity Service Canary Islands Government.

Leopoldo Moro noted that this curious shell, a true living fossil "worthy of being the mascot of the last Football World Cup in South Africa", has proposed a new genre, "Globocornus, Globus = globe, ball, and cornus = trumpet (trumpet ball). "

It has also dedicated his discovery to Charles Darwin on the occasion of celebrating the International Year of Biodiversity and the 150 anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species ", a masterpiece that changed the view of life on the planet, details marine biologist.

So the snail has been dubbed "Globocornus darwini" and is one of a thousand marine species have been inventoried in the peninsula of Guanahacabibes by this team of Spanish and Cuban researchers found among the authors of the discovery, Jesus Ortea, University of Oviedo, and Jose Espinosa, Institute of Oceanology of Cuba.

Both are leaders of a team which also includes, in addition to Leopoldo Moro, Manuel Caballer, the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC) that during the past six years have prepared the inventory marine western tip of Cuba.

According to Leopoldo Moro accurate, this area is considered a "hot spot" of biodiversity because the larvae are carried by ocean currents toward the American coast of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida, larvae that have the task of restoring the immediate future marine biodiversity oil affected by the disaster, he said.

In parallel, and the underwater cave Brains in the Canary island of Tenerife, the same research team has discovered another cave snail, the "Neritilia nataliae" the third Atlantic species of a genus with representatives in Sao Thome and the Caribbean.

Thanks to Elespectador

Aspirin reduces colon cancer risk

A low dose of aspirin may reduce the incidence of colon cancer by a quarter and deaths by one third, according to a new study.

But experts say that the side effects of aspirin such as bleeding and stomach problems are too disturbing to people who are not at high risk of the disease begin to take it just for that reason.

Previous studies have found that a daily dose of at least 500 milligrams of aspirin may prevent colon cancer, but the adverse effects of a dose as high outweighed the benefits. Now researchers say that a low dose, equivalent to a regular aspirin or child also seems to work.

European researchers found 20-year results of four studies involving more than 14 000 subjects who were originally made to study the use of aspirin in preventing stroke.

They found that those taking regular aspirin or infant daily for about six years reduced the risk of colon cancer by 24% and deaths from the disease fell 35%. These results were compared with those taking placebo or nothing. It seems to be no difference in taking over infant dose aspirin.

The study concluded that even low doses of aspirin may reduce colon cancer suggests that the drug could be used for the prevention of cancer, but should not start taking aspirin daily without consulting a doctor.

The European studies used baby aspirin 75 milligrams and 300 milligrams of aspirin regularly. In the United States are the equivalent of 81 to 325 milligrams.

If taken in large doses for a long time, aspirin can irritate the stomach, intestines and stomach, causing injuries and bleeding.

Some researchers said that aspirin may benefit certain individuals.

"Anyone who has any risk factors such as family history (colon cancer) or previous polyp definitely should take aspirin," said Peter Rothwell, a professor at the University of Oxford and one of the authors of the report.

No funding was provided for the study, which was published online Friday in the journal Lancet Rothwell and some of his co-authors were paid by several pharmaceutical companies that produce blood thinners like aspirin.

The evidence discussed in the Lancet study were made before the widespread introduction of screening tests such as sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy, which reduces the probability of death from colon cancer from 40% to 70%.

Thanks to PrensaLatinaLV

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Latinos believe they have ideal weight obesity despite

When you look in the mirror is very likely that an obese person is not fat and that its size is considered healthy.

In reaching this conclusion, experts from the Southwestern Medical Center at the University of Texas interviewed 2 000 56 people from the state of Dallas, with a body mass index greater than 30, ie obese.

The volunteers had to choose their ideal weight body nine illustrations. The result showed that 165 people (8% of group) was chosen as an ideal form that was equal to or greater than yours. This shows an error in the concept of healthy weight.

Neither educational level nor the money changed the perception of people, but their ethnicity, as 14% of respondents of color had a distorted body image, 11% of Latinos and only 2% of white participants.

Those who said their weight was appropriate, also admitted to feeling good and not be concerned about their health, unlike other people who were recognized as being obese.

Additionally, the first thought that their risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attacks was low.

Said Dr. Tiffany M. Powell, in charge of the study, the high rate of obesity in the United States has normalized the perception of the public about this epidemic.

Thanks to PrensaLatinaLV

The deaths from cholera in Haiti go to 200

UNICEF believes that the outbreak may be related to a polluted river that is very close to the Artibonite. About 150,000 people live in affected areas along the river, according to the UN agency. This region was heavily damaged by the earthquake, but thousands of people who lost their homes moved there to camps or relatives' homes.

"We have registered more than 208 dead," Gabriel told the BBC Thimot, director general of the Department of Health of Haiti. "The roads were full of villagers who begged to give them water," described David Darg, medical NGO worker, a British chain. Darg visited an area near Saint-Marc (about 100 miles north of Port au Prince), where the outbreak originated as residents of the area. "They have seen people dying in their communities and know not to drink river water, which is usually their main source of water," he says. Cholera, an acute intestinal infection caused by bacteria in human feces, causes diarrhea, fever, vomiting and severe dehydration, which causes a very quick death if left untreated.

The areas most affected by the disease are Douin, Marchand Dessalines and around Saint-Marc, according Thimot, who explained that local hospitals were overwhelmed and many people had been evacuated to centers elsewhere.

"The Saint Nicholas Hospital of Saint-Marc has already received a significant number of patients, and has the ability to respond to a cholera emergency," confirmed Federica Nogarotto, emergency coordinator for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Saint-Marc . "The most important thing now is to isolate cholera patients from the rest, in order to address the best way possible to those who are sick and prevent the spread of the outbreak," he said.

"The isolation of suspected cases, health promotion through education and distribution of

soap and water distribution, are key to curbing the spread of cholera, "the organization said.

This is the first time in a century that the Caribbean country suffering from this disease, according to World Health Organization (WHO). "We were afraid that since the earthquake," said Robin Mahfood, president of Food for the Poor (Food for the poor).

A medical source said today that they have identified some cases in poor neighborhoods of Port au Prince, the Haitian capital. Also Ship Island Lake, on the west coast, there have been two dozen cases of diarrhea, but those responsible for the medical center of the town claimed that the disease may be related to intake of contaminated fish.
According to several accounts, an overflow has occurred in hospitals in Artibonite. Also reported a shortage of medicines to treat the hundreds of people affected, but officials insist there are sufficient medical supplies.

Thanks to PrensaLatinaLV

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Method designed to prolong organ life

Scientists at King's College London have developed a method capable of prolonging the life out of body organs for transplantation.

In collaboration with the biotechnology industry, British scientists have developed a method which is applied to the inner surface of the kidneys from a donor with a protective layer made of a substance which is a natural regulator of certain proteins.

It is a protein called mirococept reproducing the protective mechanism is activated in response to attacks by the immune system, which could boost the survival time of organs outside the human body.

Normally, the organs do not survive once extracted from a larger body of about twenty-four hours, which represents a serious problem for transplant.

When an infection or a virus attack cells or body fluids is activated the immune system that attacks and attempts to destroy the body's cells intruder, but that system is controlled in turn by "regulatory" proteins-molecules-present the cell surface.

These proteins inhibit the body's own cells are also attacked by the immune system.

But when an organ is removed for transplant, those regulators disappear due to lack of blood flow and consequently to the absence of oxygen.

This effect is countered by the material developed by scientists at King's College and presented today at a conference in Birmingham.

In the first experiments half of the organs treated with mirococept survived the ice storage for sixteen hours, while only a fifth of untreated organs.

A pilot study involving thirteen patients showed that the method is safe and now tries to recruit more than three hundred volunteers for a more comprehensive test will be held next year in several transplant centers in the UK.

Patients who were treated with implanted organs mirococept will, however, having to take drugs to silence their immune systems and is now trying to reduce the dose needed to achieve because these drugs increase the risk of cancer.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Marine biodiversity at risk


Climate change and overfishing may lead to the disappearance of marine life.

Photo: EFE

Australian experts have warned that ocean ecosystems are in grave danger, because they are very close to suffering a mass extinction of marine species.

According to the report published in the journal Science, climate change, overfishing and other human actions can cause the complete disappearance of marine life. The study, conducted by specialists from Macquarie University in Sydney, he concludes that what is to happen to the marine fauna is the result of human behavior and the effects of climate change.

The research was based on data obtained from a review of 100 000 collections around the world, composed of marine fossils that lived about 500 million years.

For its part, the study 'The exploration of marine biodiversity', prepared by the BBVA Foundation, states that "it would take 250 to 1,000 years to complete the inventory of marine species, with the risk that by then many of them will have been lost forever. "

The oceans, covering an area of 361 million square kilometers and an average depth of 3,730 feet, covers 71% of the planet's surface
According to research, coordinated by Professor of the Higher Council for Scientific Research? CSIC - Carlos Duarte and that has involved 12 leading international researchers, each year 635 thousand describes new marine species and, at present, there are the order of 230000-250000 described species of marine organisms, which indicates that marine biodiversity represents 15% of global biodiversity described (about 1.6 million species).

The General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity in order to attract international attention to the problem of the continued loss of biodiversity.

The destruction of natural habitats, fragmentation of forests and water pollution, coupled with the effects of climate change are among the main causes of the rapid pace of global biodiversity loss.
During this year, is intended to highlight the importance of biodiversity to human life, reflect on our achievements in the conservation of biodiversity and encourage us to redouble our efforts to reduce significantly the rate of biodiversity loss.

For Juan Manuel Diaz, scientific director of the MarViva, the main threats to marine biodiversity are overharvesting of living marine resources (both by overfishing and by the collateral damage that violate the nets sweep the seabed ), water pollution and acidification of the sea because of climate change.

As we celebrate the National Day of Biodiversity, an appeal to the Colombian is aware that the oceans are not inexhaustible source of resources that they used to proclaim our parents and teachers at school and act responsibly, while consuming only products that are in danger of extinction, obtained through responsible practices and require our leaders to adopt measures to monitor and control illegal fishing and to mitigate and prevent water pollution.

In Colombia, efforts to conserve the oceans and marine ecosystems has few allies, among which include the Malpelo Foundation, the Invemar, Agenda del Mar, Conservation International, WWF and MarViva.

In Colombia, MarViva promotes conservation and sustainable use of resources, goods and services marine coastal processes through support for inter-agency management, mangrove management plans and monitoring fishing in the northern Chocó Pacific.

This is the opportunity to think about the objectives proposed by the United Nations, in favor of biodiversity:

Improve public awareness of the importance of safeguarding biodiversity and the threats to biodiversity, increase awareness of the achievements to save biodiversity, encouraging people, organizations and governments to take immediate measures necessary to halt the loss of biodiversity, promote innovative solutions to reduce threats to biodiversity and to initiate dialogue among stakeholders on measures to be taken in the period after 2010.

Thanks to ElEspectador

New gel could speed up wound healing

British scientists are to begin the final phase of testing a drug that heals leg ulcers up to five times faster than normal.

British scientists are to begin the final phase of testing of a new gel that they say, heals leg ulcers up to five times faster than normal.

For three years, Connie McPherson suffered a debilitating leg ulcers that were so painful that sometimes I could not sleep. Despite several surgeries, antibiotics, steroids and other treatments, nothing helped.

Then, last year participated in a test of the new gel for the treatment of chronic wounds.

"It was the answer to my prayers," said McPherson, 58, a real estate agent in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In a few weeks, McPherson said that ulcers healed completely. "I had tried everything known and it was all worked."

The gel that is used to meet McPherson was developed by a team led by David Becker, professor of cell and developmental biology at University College London. The gel, called Nexagon, works by disrupting the way cells communicate and avoids the production of a protein that blocks healing. This allows the cells to move more quickly to the wound to begin healing.

Although it has only been tested so far about 100 people, experts say that if successful, the gel may play a role in the treatment of chronic wounds such as leg ulcers or diabetes, even for common or scratches injuries from accidents.

In most chronic wounds, Becker said there was an abnormal amount of certain protein linked to inflammation.

To reduce their numbers, Becker and his colleagues produced the Nexagon from bits of DNA that can block production of the protein. "As the protein is inactivated, the cells move to close the wound," said Becker. The gel is slightly yellow and has the consistency of toothpaste.

In an initial study on leg ulcers, scientists Becker co-founded the company to develop the gel found that after four weeks, the number of people with completely healed ulcers was five times higher in patients who received the gel compared with those who applied it.

The leg ulcer lasts on average six months to heal and 60% of patients return to suffer the problem of ulcers.

Other experts said the gel looks promising. "It seems that the gel has a positive effect on making the outer layer (skin) to restore itself," said Phil Stephens, head of engineering and tissue repair at the University of Cardiff. Stephens is not related to the investigation of Becker.

However, Stephens said it's crucial that the gel does not interfere too much with the inflammation process. "There needs to get there, inflammatory cells and clean the wound," he said.

Brad Duft, President of Coda Therapeutics, which develops the product, said he still must spend a couple of years before the new gel to reach the market and when that happens the price will drop significantly. Some patients with leg ulcers spend about $ 30,000 a year or more treatments. Duft said the new gel cost a fraction of that.

Thanks to

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nine rescued the 58 stranded whales in northern New Zealand

Nine pilot whales have been rescued from a group of 58 who were stranded on Friday on a beach in northern New Zealand, official sources said today.

Authorities found only 15 of the whales alive and managed to return 13 to sea for the weekend, but four stranding again and died, said Sioux Campbell, spokesman for the Department of Conservation.

"Fortunately, we have not seen the whales today, which is good news. We are very happy to have saved the whales with the help of the community," said Campbell.

About 70 volunteers worked tirelessly to keep afloat and breathing mammals despite weighing a ton and a half.

Two years ago, more than one hundred pilot whales were caught on the beach in New Zealand, Australia and the neighboring sees each year hundreds are killed marine mammals in their costs.

Scientists do not know the reason why some species of whales end their days on the beaches, and shuffled the possibility that sonar attracted by large ships or to follow a group leader disoriented by illness.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Scottish scientists create biofuel Whisky

Scottish scientists created biofuel from waste in the manufacturing process of the whiskey, same as common car may be used without additional mechanisms.

According to British newspaper reported Thelegraph, Professor Martin Tangney, who heads the research group, this invention fulfills the environmental policy of the European Union announced its intention to achieve that 10 percent of the cars using clean fuels for 2020.

Today scientists, who took two years to the development of this biofuel, think about how to make the product available to as many consumers as possible.

"More probable is that biofuel is not used pure: safely be mixed with gasoline or diesel," he explained.

Scientists Spot column of 35 km. spill residue BP

The oil spill from the well damaged in BP in the Gulf of Mexico released a hydrocarbon column of over 35 kilometers long and 200 meters high, situated at 1,100 meters deep, according to a study published today in Science.

The study, conducted by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), said that the explosion and sinking of the rig Deepwater Horizon in April created a column of waste as natural degradation is very slow.

The WHOI team calculated the size of the column from 57,000 chemical analysis, made in June during an expedition aboard a submarine capable of exploring the ocean up to 4,500 meters deep.

"Not only have we demonstrated conclusively that there is a column, but we have defined its origin and approximate structure," said Richard Camilli Science, one of the scientists from WHOI, which indicated that the columns of waste were far , mere theories in the literature "scientific.

Camilli, who is also the lead author of the study, added that the levels of hydrocarbons detected in the column are "significant."

The team traveled in a zigzag column 19 times to determine its size, shape and composition, the study said.

During the tour, sampled through a tool that measures ocean conductivity, temperature and water depth.

Once in the laboratory, they found that the samples, but colorless and odorless, contained concentrations of hydrocarbons, including benzene, toluene, and xylene-etibenzeno more than 50 micrograms per liter.

This conclusion contrasts with that obtained by the U.S. government, which last August 4 presented a scientific report according to which 74 percent of the 4.9 million barrels of oil that spilled into the ocean has been collected since April , burned, vaporized or decomposed by natural processes.

"It has spread a rumor that the particles were being degraded oil naturally and easily. We have not seen that. We have seen that are still there," Camilli said.

However, scientists found "dead zones", ie areas of the spine devoid of oxygen which could not survive fish or other marine animals.

However, for the WHOI geochemist Benjamin Van Mooy, the study gives cause for alarm.

"If oxygen samples tell us that microbes are not close to degrading the oil well, oil could persist for a while. So it is possible that oil is transported considerable distances before being dissolved," he said.



Monday, August 16, 2010

Ecology up in the air conditioning

Large amounts of energy is for the use of air conditioners, especially in Verena. In the case of United States 5% of the total energy is used in refrigeration systems.
Well, now we have developed an air conditioning system that could increase energy efficiency succeeding in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, this research was conducted by a group of scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory U.S..

Eric Kozubal together with a group of engineers have created an air conditioning system that consumes up to 90% less energy than other systems.

The DEVap is based on the classic combination of evaporative cooling with a material that absorbs water, getting cold, dry air.

The interesting thing about this innovative new system is the combination of evaporative cooling technology, says Eric Kozubal.

If the whole project ends in positive results, it should be commercialized within five years, supporting the care of the environment and reducing CO2.

Thanks to marlexsystems.org

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Warn of damage pathological Internet use

Teenagers who use the Internet in pathological form are more likely to develop depression than those who do not, according to a report published online today by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

According to the article, since the mid-1990s, pathological Internet use, that is uncontrolled and unreasonable, has been identified as a problem behavior with signs and symptoms similar to other addictions.

Such use has been associated with health problems, aggressive behavior and other psychiatric symptoms.

Medical experts from Australia and China studied the pathological use and later mental health problems among nearly 50 thousand teenagers from 15 years in average age in China.

Participants were evaluated for depression and anxiety using previously validated scales.

Moreover, young people completed a questionnaire to identify pathological Internet use, including questions that reflect a typical addictive behavior.

According to the authors of the study, "this result suggests that young people who initially did not have mental health problems may develop depression as a result of pathological Internet use."

The study's analysis indicated that the identification of individuals at risk in the school environment could be considered an effective strategy for early prevention.

The report suggests that early intervention could reduce the burden of depression and subsequent mental health problems among young people.

Therefore, a program for the detection of pathological Internet use could be considered in secondary schools to identify individuals at risk for further advice and treatment early.


Japan and Australia hosting 500,000 species unidentified marine

Australia and Japan host more than half a million marine species not yet identified by scientists, who work piece before they disappear because of global warming.

"Australia has a tremendous ecological interest, from coral reefs to the ocean floor," said Jesse Ausubel, a researcher at the Australian study, titled "What lives in the sea."

The rich ecosystem Australian bathed by three oceans and four seas, which extends from the Tropic of coral to the South Pole ice, hosts some 250,000 unidentified species.

"This is a great diversity of habitat and oceans that have only been partially investigated," said Alan Butler, of the Organization for Scientific and Industrial Research of Australia.

Most of the 33,000 species listed by scientists in Australia were birds, seabirds and marine mammals, and new fish and sharks, which represent 20 percent of marine life to discover.

In the Great Barrier Reef in northeastern Australia, live in the greatest number of species such as corals, dolphins, sea turtles and pigs.

For its part, Katsunori Fujikura, the Agency for Technology and Earth Sciences and Sea of Japan, said oteadas 155 000 species have been in the waters of his country, a mere 30 percent of the total, only 33,000 have been officially registered .

"The cause of such diversity is undoubtedly due to the variety of natural environments found in Japanese waters," said Fujikura.

The Japanese marine environment, covering an area 11 times larger than its land mass, home to coral and marine ecosystems to 10 kilometers deep.

Due to the strong currents, only 5.6 percent of the species in Japan are unique on the island, while 19 percent of the 17,000 New Zealand marine species limit their habitat around the islands.

90 percent of marine life in Antarctica is more than a mile beneath the surface of the ocean and only 11 percent 9000, has been studied species.

"Most of the species in the Antarctic Ocean are rare. Half of the species on the seabed have been spotted only once or twice," said Huw Griffiths, a researcher at the British Antarctic Survey.

The research at the South Pole is essential to understand the process of climate change, as it is the regions most affected by global warming.



Sunday, July 25, 2010

SEP calls to build schools providing global warming

Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. "Due to global warming schools to be built in the future must be made according to an analysis of weather issues, I think here in Tamaulipas, the secretary of public education in the country, Alonso Lujambio Irazabal.

"It is important that all construction of new schools in the future all the time incorporate the analysis of weather issues that may develop from global warming."

After finishing a meeting with the state governor, Eugenio Hernandez Flores, the owner of the SEP said the three levels of government-municipal, state, federal, should be integrated into its calculation of programmatic action planning and weather conditions that may develop.

Tamaulipas noted that schools were built in safe places, while in Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, the opposite happened.

"The Tamaulipas were careful not to place schools in the paths of the rivers, in particularly dangerous places, so that there is at this time unlike the cases neolonés Coahuila and scenarios that lead us to think to move or change schools have been particularly affected. "

He said that at the end of the school year there was no noticeable absenteeism resulting from different events.

"Quite the contrary were concluded throughout the country except in some regions of the state, Nayarit eventually modify its schedule but we did it on time and conclude the school year."
Tamaulipas Damage in schools was valued at 18 million pesos budget which is provided by the National Disaster Fund and the state of Tamaulipas.

Thanks to

Friday, July 23, 2010

The ocean is a major sink for CO2 and 200,000 pollutant

By: E.F.E

The oceans with more than 3,000 meters deep cover half the planet's surface.
The ocean plays a central role in regulating Earth's climate and is a major sink for CO2 and other substances, with more than 200,000 synthetic pollutants resulting from human activity.

This was stated by the researcher of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), Carlos Duarte, introducing the media to project Malaspina 2010, the largest issue of history that aims to assess the impact of global change on the ocean.

Global change is defined as the impact of human activity on the functioning of the biosphere.

The program's interdisciplinary project, which collected 70 000 samples of air, water and plankton, also seeks to promote the exploration of biodiversity in the deep ocean.

The oceans with more than 3,000 meters deep cover half the planet's surface and are therefore most ecosystem.

However, the oceans remain a mystery and exploration of life in the deep ocean is still in its infancy, limited, until recently, by the technologies available.

As explained responsible for the CSIC, during the presentation of the project, the Ocean is also the memory of the climate system, and every drop of water that was once on the surface maintains the properties of time, like a fingerprint question by allowing to infer the atmospheric conditions of the time and so know the scope of global change.

The project will launch 50 Ocean buoys continue to record and sending key data to improve knowledge of ocean circulation and heating, as well as calibrate new instruments on board satellites.

On the other hand the importance of studying the phytoplankton is the fact that this is responsible for almost half of the photosynthesis that occurs on the planet, and therefore has a key role in the dynamics of global processes, including those affect climate regulation.

Thanks to elespectador

Vaginal Gel helps prevent AIDS

The AIDS Research Program of South Africa (CAPRISA, for its acronym in English) in Vienna today unveiled the results of a study of a vaginal microbicide gel that reduces HIV transmission in women.

The findings were presented Tuesday in the framework of the XXVIII International Conference Against Acquired Immunodeficiency Síndome, which meets in Vienna from last weekend to see the overall progress against the disease.

South African researcher Salim Abdool Karim, head of research, said the innovative vaginal gel containing the antiviral tenofivir, significantly reduced the risk of infection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Karim, professor and researcher at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, said that women who applied the gel were able to reduce the risk of infection in 39.0 percent, after two and a half years of use, compared with the gel without medication.

The study was conducted for two and a half years to 889 heterosexual women in the South African city of Durban and other cities nearby: Mthethwa, who used the vaginal gel at least 12 hours before having sex and after sex.

The gel also reduced by 51.0 percent the odds of contracting HSV-2 (genital herpes), so that experts could use constants a defense effective for women whose partners refuse to wear condoms.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) described the research as a "breakthrough" in fighting the disease that kills millions of people around the world each year.

"We are giving hope to women. For the first time we have seen results for an HIV prevention option for women initiated and controlled, "the director of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibe, in a statement released in Beijing.

If confirmed, he added, a microbicide will be a powerful option for the prevention and revolution "will help us break the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic," he said.

Thanks to prensalatinalasvegas

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ecological detergents.

Ecological detergents and organic fungicides are all biodegradable products, recognized by the certification label "eco" we ensure that we are respectful of our environment.

The fundamental principles of ecological detergents reference are:

· Protect our planet and its resources, making the use of ingredients that come from renewable sources (favoring the use of ingredients from the agricultural industry), obtained by methods that respect the environment and prohibit most synthetic materials.
· Provide protection and consumer information to demonstrate which have a composition much more precisely than regular detergents. These products guarantee the traceability of ingredients during manufacture.
· Acknowledge the value of experience from companies producing organic products that will improve the quality of products that provide the benefit of consumers and thus benefit the environment.

It is also possible to make economic and ecological detergents home using natural materials and biodegradable. The preparation time is negligible. To prepare a liter of organic detergent only need: soap and lemon juice. Grate between 30-50 grams of soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water stirring. We heat slightly if necessary and add 15 cl. lemon juice. The detergent is used diluted. We may use, for example, ecological detergents to clean any surface and then rinsed with water.

By using ecological detergents, especially if we have prepared us even though we buy in a store are very good provided they are eco-label, we know that we are using completely natural product and we are contributing to our environment.

Discovered two antibodies that block 90% of HIV strains

A team of scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S. discovers two antibodies to cancel 90% of known HIV strains. It is a very important step for achieving an effective preventive vaccine.

The journal Science published a study by scientists Peter D. Kwong, John R. Mascola, Gary J. Nabel, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, United States (English NAID), which describes the discovery of two antibodies capable of facing the 90% of strains of HIV-1 virus, which causes AIDS. This is the greatest potential for combating the virus has been discovered to date.

When HIV enters the human body, it reacts just like with any other infectious invasion: creating antibodies, a type of protein that dissolves blood particles designed to block external aggression. The difference from other viruses is that HIV is able to attach to immune cells and destroy them to defeat this attack to the point of destroying the immune system, so that the body no longer produces more antibodies and is not able to defend any disease. As is known, in the later stages of the disease a simple cold can kill the patient.

In 2007 he discovered the mechanism by which HIV enters immune cells in what is the first step in the infection process, since then scientists have endeavored to find a way to block this binding. The problem is that HIV is constantly changing the layout of its surface proteins to the immune system does not recognize and can not create a stable defense against the virus, this makes the process of finding a way to block it. It's like chasing a bank robber can change the face every time he goes into a branch.

In addition there are many subtypes of the virus, which until now had been impossible to find a cure for all of them. But intensive research worldwide found an area of the virus, CD4, which remains unchanged among all subtypes: that's exactly where you caught the molecule that blocks the virus.

The idea to stop the virus, apparently, is simple (although obviously this point has taken years and years of research) to study the exact point of the antibody in which the virus attaches and create a molecule that mimics and comes together in this place of union. The study's authors injected these molecules in the blood of an HIV positive and found and two antibodies, and VRC02 VRC01 to neutralize 91% all known strains of the virus (so far only been found molecules that blocked 40% 75%).

"The discovery of these antibodies with exceptionally broad HIV neutralizing power and structural analysis that explains how they work are exciting developments that could accelerate our efforts to find an HIV preventive vaccine for global use," said the director of NAID, Anthony S. Fauci. "Besides, he added," the technique that this team of researchers has used to find these new antibodies represent a new strategy that could be applied to the design of vaccines for many infectious diseases. " Thanks to this discovery, we are one step closer to finding a preventive vaccine overall efficiency to convert the AIDS virus in a bad memory.

Thanks to nuevatribuna

Friday, July 9, 2010

Iraqis used the healing properties of gemstones

The healing properties of gemstones and semi-precious are widely recognized for millennia.

The ancient healers believed in a connection between gemstones and the solar system, planets energy is accumulated in the stones and can give strength and health to their owners. They also say that the stones are connected to the signs of the Zodiac.

The modern alternative medicine say that these beliefs are quite reasonable. There is even a special branch that studies the healing properties of minerals and crystals - gem therapy.

"The efficiency of the cure depends on your planet, your birth date and Zodiac sign. When is your birthday? Ah, I get it. Take carnelian, his stone is," says Seyyid Sabbah, owner of a jewelry store.

It is said that various precious and semi-precious cure various diseases. The diamonds can help people suffering from stroke and eye diseases. The emeralds are good for the nervous system, heart, skin and muscles. Pearls are known to help during menopause. The carnelian cure psychological illnesses and improves blood circulation. The price of a stone depends on its healing properties.

"The prices are different. It all depends on the stone itself. Can cost 20 or $ 100," says Abu Shahd, owner of a jewelry store.

There are stones which are famous for their almost magical qualities. Some of them can make you rich, help to find true love, others to protect themselves from enemies and dangers. Many people still believe in this, and decorated with rings, necklaces and brooches.

"This is an agate Yemen. Healing the human soul, protect from evil. It provides the blessing of God," Kasim Hussein believes the customer of this jewelry.

The stones are placed in different parts of the body. Improper use of the techniques are considered quackery and may even be harmful.

Thanks to eluniverso

Growing number of organ donors in Argentina

According to data from the Unique Central National Institute of Ablation and Implant Coordinator (INCUCAI)-an agency under the Ministry of Health of the Nation ", with 61 actual donors in June became the month record in the supply of donor organs in the country, surpassing the previous record of September 2007, 58 donors.

Consulted on the subject this afternoon after his visit to the Hospital Posadas by the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the Minister of Health of Argentina, Juan Manzur, said to have surpassed previous records, "we're excited and expectations, and encourages us to continue working in this way, "noting that" the INCUCAI is an example at the regional level, and one of the best institutions in the country. In that sense, organ donation saves lives and improve the quality of life of people. "

For its part, the holder of INCUCAI, Carlos Soratti, explained that "this is the product of work is being done in recent times, in which there was a national meeting of the provincial teams and scientific societies to develop strategies an important intervention into the health system in each jurisdiction, each hospital complex and intensive therapies. "

Also, the official said that "society has a positive attitude toward donation and transplantation, and Argentina has grown so much. Hence we must add the work being done in medical clinics that handle the critical patient, with severe neurological damage, because it is in those units where it is possible to recognize the human death when it is caused primarily by neurological damage, and that is the key that may start a donation process. "

"I think we will never reach a situation in which we do not need to increase efforts in this area. Minister Manzur is driving us to define significant growth targets, and we believe that at the end of 2011 Argentina will arrive at eighteen donors per million population, implying very strong growth. So it is interesting that all this strategy and this work begins to show signs of growth, "added Soratti.

"Today there are 6000 patients waiting for organ transplants and about 3000 waiting for a cornea, for example. And the possibility of access to transplantation is precisely through the use of organs and tissues after death are neither necessary nor useful. Hopefully building together a society in which we think collectively to facilitate the use of organs and tissues or body parts after death. That will give us enormous potential to meet the waiting list, "concluded Soratti.

Of all transplants performed in the first half of the year, 363 were kidney, 130 liver, 34 heart, 30 renopancreáticos, 21 lung, 2 bowel, 2 hepatorenal, 2 of liver and a heart-lung. Also were implemented more than 437 corneal transplants, taking into account the 171 tissue donors. Donors to the availability of organs and tissues came from hospitals across the country.

The new record was achieved through the solidarity of the people who decided to donate their organs, provincial enforcement agencies, the transplant coordinators and medical personnel from hospitals around the country, whose work on organ procurement and tissues ensures certainty and transparency in the donation process.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Automotive Daimler buses are betting environmental

The European manufacturer has sent the country a first set of articulated and cleaner
goal is to provide 30% of orders for these buses, Colombia may require 4,000 units.

Daimler Colombia made available to operators Mass Transportation Systems (GTS) and articulated buses to suit the environmental requirements of sustainable technology in the transportation of passengers.

The European company sent to Colombia's first order of six Mercedes Benz buses that meet Euro V environmental standards, thus becomes the first country in Latin America with the technology, which also consume less diesel fuel, low cost allows operation.

The first six units with this technology are part of an order of Yes Group in Bogota, but the German is in negotiations to address other operators of the nation's capital, Bucaramanga and Cali.

The vehicles will be imported from plants Daimler Mercedes Brazil, USA and Germany, but could be brought in when needed from other plants of the mark in the world.

Euro V standard is regulated by the European Commission and established the technical requirements for approval of motor vehicles as regards emissions of gases that affect the environment, and adapted to the country. Therefore, the regulations require that from July 2010 to market only products for STM with Euro IV environmental standards or higher.

The vice president of sales for Mercedes Benz Brazil, Joachim Maier, said that besides reducing emission of pollutants, the system reduces the Euro V fuel consumption.

The decision to offer models in Colombia is that the brand believes it is the most advanced country in the region in the implementation of SMT, both in execution and operation, to the point that he uses as an example to attract customers from other markets. The executive added that the SMT must not only fulfill a social function of quality of life through reducing travel time for passengers, but also contribute to environmental care.

For his part, Jorge Londono, vice president of Daimler SMT Colombia, said the company aspires to a 30 percent stake in number of orders that are anticipated over the coming years for new stages of SMT. His estimates suggest that demand will be 4,000 units, and most will be in Bogota, 3000.

Thanks to Portafolio

The U.S. market is the world's biggest polluter

The U.S. auto market is the biggest polluter in the world, as reflected in the consulting firm JATO Dynamics, reporting that average CO2 emissions of vehicles sold during the first quarter there were 268 grams per kilometer, double those recorded in Europe and Japan.

And is that according to the document, the average in the country of the Rising Hall during the same period are at 130.8 g / km of C02, while in the Old World were 140.3 g / km C02.

JATO President Americas, David Mitchell, explained that U.S. consumers need to conduct a reassessment "fundamental" in their car buying preferences, due to increased fuel prices, among other things.

However, the report indicates that fuel prices remain low in the United States from other countries. Hence, this market remains dominated by petrol vehicles, which account for 81.9% of the total.


The spill, an even worse catastrophe

The amount of oil that leaked would be eight times higher than the Exxon Valdez, the worst tragedy in the U.S. Environmental

HOUSTON.? The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico not only as the worst natural disaster in U.S. history, but, according to new figures released yesterday, the amount of oil that escaped from the subsea well be twice as previously thought. There are fears also that the oil slick to spread much more than originally estimated.

According to a study by a panel of scientists from the U.S. government, up to 317 million gallons of crude oil and affected the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico? 7.9 million per day, double the highest figure released so far?, Which equivalent to eight times the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaskan waters in 1989.

This means that the well could have poured up to 40,000 barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico between April 20, when the accident occurred, and last March, when British Petroleum (BP) was able to reduce leakage.

In addition, more oil means that the gigantic heavy stain could be extended in an area bigger than originally expected, causing far more serious consequences for the environment, said Paul Montagna, a marine biologist at the University of Texas A & M in Corpus Christi.

"Doubling the amount of oil is not a linear effect, does not duplicate the consequences, but may have four times the consequences? Said Montagna, who explores the depths of the Gulf of Mexico and other underwater ecosystems.

The new estimates of stroke is worse than before and could pose more costs for BP, which may have to pay more fines to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Most of the new estimates show a higher amount of oil spilled per hour than the volume that the authorities had said that was poured in an entire day.

"This is a nightmare that gets worse every week? Said Michael Brune, executive director of the environmental group Sierra Club." We found more and more information on the extent of damage. It is clear that we can not trust BP estimates on how much oil is being spilled. "

The new round of figures is the third in which the U.S. government has had to increase its estimate of oil spilled, but nothing indicates that the last time.

The black oil yesterday reached the coast of several counties in Northwest Florida and some waves have reached the Perdido Pass Channel, the area adjacent to Alabama. The Department of Environmental Protection Florida confirmed the arrival of oil and foam to Perdido Pass, the mouth of the river of the same name, in Escambia County, home to the famous beaches of Pensacola and Perdido Key.

The spill affected 190km of the North American coast in the Gulf of Mexico and threatens the multibillion-dollar fishing industries and tourism in the region.

The U.S. president, Barack Obama, who has raised the tone of his criticism of BP, invited the company president, Carl-Henric Svanberg, to join him on Wednesday to discuss the spill.

The oil company faces increasing pressure from the White House and the natural disaster became a source of tension between Britain and the United States. Obama and British Prime Minister, David Cameron, maintained a telephone call today to discuss various topics, including stroke.

Business sectors Cameron urged the government to defend BP, the largest payer of dividends between British firms traded in the face of threats from Washington to broaden the responsibility for signing by the spill and to press for the suspension of the quarterly payment to its shareholders.

In addition, Mexico also joined the discussion. The oil from the well of BP could reach the shores of the neighboring country in December, and the Mexican Environment Secretary said it is considering suing the company for a possible environmental damage.

Thanks to LaNacion

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Waterpebble saves water and energy

Waterpebble is the name of an ecological unit that offers the possibility to control the timing and amount of water used in the shower. Thanks to this invention can achieve ecological energy and water savings.This innovative device called Waterpebble requires no installation. It is sufficient to place it in a place where water flows, when the shower or tub bath. In Spain, also known as stone of water. The apparatus for controlling the water flowing at the time of the shower has been designed by Paul Priestman, who worked in collaboration with conujuntamente DryPlanet. One interesting thing to know is that once the device fulfills its life cycle, you may return to Priestman, because the designer has thought of later recycling so you can return to be used.

Waterpebble gives the user the ability to save enough water, and gas and electricity savings. The operation of Waterpebble is very simple. The first time it is used in the shower the water control device that is spent and also measures the time spent. These measurements are remembered automatically.

Subsequently, once stored in his memory statistics, Waterpebble will reduce the time limit by two-thirds. It is a way to help consumers, without even realizing it, they can be shortening the time and the water they use at the time of the shower.

This device, completely organic and recyclable, it tells the user if they are spending as much water in the showers after what had been spent on the first shower, when the first measurement was made. If it flashes a red light means that the user has been exceeded and consumption should be reduced if the light stays green means that the user stays within the proper measurements compared to the first measurement and if the light is flashing yellow means the user is about to cross the threshold and use too much water to use.

An excellent way to help consumers save water and energy and promote recycling.


Mountains destroyed in Thailand

Limestone mountains of inestimable value have been destroyed in southern Thailand. The ecological disasters continue in the world.

The incident occurred in southern Thailand, where limestone hills of the Krabi region have been destroyed. Another environmental disaster has just begun in this region that is highly regarded in different ways. The fact has endangered a string of massive limestone or "sugar loaf" that still contain prehistoric remains, more than 40,000 years, which have not yet finished being scanned. The latter are covered with rich forests.

Krabi is an attractive region, unique in its configuration and also for his strong rich prehistoric past. The region attracts many visitors each year. This beauty, however, is fragile and, at present, has been affected by numerous nefestos damage.

Intensive monocultures, deforestation, the beds (which are also a tourist attraction) have jeopardized the mountains.

Engineered with urgency, the project called "SosKrabi" focuses today on a stonemason who has recently opened without legal authorization. This new way to attack one of the most beautiful mountain ranges "Pan de Azúcar" that characterizes the region. These mountains are home to unexplored prehistoric caves in which are very important prehistoric remains dating back 40,000 years. Hence, the loss of this mountain has a priceless value.

It becomes really urgent warning and educating the population to conserve this region so special. This is an appeal to the whole world because it is about preserving a world heritage of great importance.

Thanks to Blogverde

Samsung launches large-format display with LED

The new displays that Samsung brings to market are the new LFD, EX series, monitors and ultrafine greener, available in 40, 46 and 55 inches, which also permit to carry a board computer.

'The innovative EX series will have a major impact on the market for large format monitors, thanks to its eco-efficient technology, to its impressive image quality and sleek design,' says Elena Caballero, Visual Display Product Manager Samsung Electronics Iberia. The new models incorporate LED LFD important improvements over conventional LCD screens in terms of power consumption, design, image quality and efficiency, waiting for a redefinition of the display advertising market.

With the Energy Star 5.0 certification, the EX series incorporates LED technology that achieved a 40% reduction in electricity consumption for LCD screens, with a reduction in their carbon footprint and use of hazardous substances, lead extended with the possibility of incorporating a computer. It offers a 120Hz refresh rate, allowing a more rapid changes of image without motion blur, providing sharper images with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 Full HD.

They also include an exclusive Samsung solution for managing content, Magicinfo i, can easily control multiple displays connected to a network. The EX-series Samsung is characterized by the use of advanced technology, not used in any other LFD, as the RJ-45, with screens that can control through a LAN cable, or fundón for intelligent programming, which can turn on and off the screen, adjust the volume and set input sources, among others.

Thanks to cine y tv

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What is Visual Pollution?

This type of pollution perceived by the sense of sight daily exposure to millions of people, mainly in cities, to aggressive stimuli that invade and against which there is no filter or defense.

Visual pollution refers to the abuse of certain elements "no architecture" that alter the aesthetics, the image of both rural and urban landscape, and they generate, often a visual overstimulation aggressive, invasive and simultaneously.

These may be signs, wires, chimneys, antennas, poles and other elements that do not cause pollution in itself, but by manipulating the man indiscriminately (size, order, distribution) become pollutants. One wild consumer society in permanent change that acts without social consciousness or environmental is the endorses (or allows) the onset and saturation of these pollutants.

This is evident both in rural as in urban areas of greater density. But logically it is in the metropolis, where all these evils are manifested most starkly. All these elements described negatively affect the man and the environment by reducing the quality of life.

The posters advertising has been the most notorious for its immediate impact, creating an overstimulation in humans by indiscriminate information, and the many messages that invade the eye. Thus man sees a chaotic environment and confusion that excites and stimulates, causing a momentary anxiety stimulus duration.

The simultaneity of the stimuli to which they are subjected, for example, motorists, they can become triggers traffic accidents. As can generate distraction, and even preclude the perception of traffic signposts. This, inevitably, also acts detrimental to the same media, mimicking the different signs and signals that it is subject to individuals, each other and losing strength camouflage the clear reading of the message. But these agents also strongly affect the physical space. And facades are destroyed or hidden by overlapping signs, metal structures and fireplaces.

The architecture appears undervalued and miniaturized. The sky obscured by cables and antennas. Public space distorted and invaded by poles, signs bras, shelters, pedestrian traffic slowed, and the vegetation destroyed. This picture is terribly harmful to the common man, imagine how it is for a disabled child or elder.

This situation not only undermines contralateral beauty of urban space, but also about reading some claraque have individuals of the same, difficult to identify with their city dweller. A city with visual pollution denotes a state with a lack of policy for the city, with a loss or no regulation of public and private space. So cities are transformed into situations of millions of individual decisions careless in their surroundings, forming a chaotic living hard to grasp by the human eye.

Visual pollution must be considered definitely as an environmental issue, and to legislate accordingly. It must be realized that it is not just to speak on measurements and proportions of posters. The State must have a global environmental policy with clear and precise rules which aim to a better quality of life for all. And the degradation is voluntary and man-made should also be controlled and modified by him.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Latin America has its biodiversity at risk

Deforestation and water pollution by toxic waste are part of the environmental problems plaguing the region, which has 70 percent of the planet's biological diversity.

Latin America, home to eight of the 17 countries that hold up to 70 percent of the planet's biological diversity, held on Saturday the World Environment Day in the midst of serious threats such as deforestation, pollution and drought.

According to experts, countries like Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru or Venezuela, which are part of the group of nations with the greatest variety of fauna and flora of the world, have serious environmental problems which, in rare cases, has responded appropriately.

The United Nations Organization (UN) has warned in particular that a third of global deforestation occurs in this region, which accounts for 22 percent of native forests, which means 860 million hectares.

In Brazil, the most biologically diverse country, from August 2008 to July 2009 were devastated 7464 square kilometers of the Amazon, according to official figures.

In Colombia, which remains in the list of biodiversity, it is estimated that about 300,000 hectares of forest are destroyed each year by direct cause of drug production. For a gram of cocaine is just about four square meters of forest, say authorities.

Deforestation for charcoal (30 million copies a year) threatens to turn into a desert to Haiti today with a forest cover of only 2 percent.

This phenomenon is added other dramas environmental pollution generated especially by mining and toxic waste, or lack of water.

Cuba, for example, faces a severe and prolonged drought in much of the country. According to experts, by 2009 it was one of the four less rain in the last 109 years on the island.

In Argentina, the Matanza-Riachuelo, on the southern edge of Buenos Aires has been, for decades the most polluted waterway in the country, receiving approximately 88,500 meters of industrial waste cu.

National Park of Laguna del Tigre, Guatemala and considered the largest wetland in Mesoamerica, dying by invasion, oil extraction and penetration of drug trafficking.

Chile, in turn, still lives the consequences of pollution by lead and arsenic in Arica, on the border with Peru, where 80 were deposited 20,000 tons of toxic waste.

Peru is a critical event in the region

This country is experiencing an acute situation in La Oroya, a town considered the most polluted city in A. America, where Doe Run operates. American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in 2007 gave precautionary measures on behalf of 65 residents, after finding that his health was at risk from high levels of contamination due to metal particles released by this industry.

Thanks to eltiempo.com

Noise pollution: The tit change their song by the sounds of Madrid, according to a study

Madrid, June 7 (EFE) .- The great tit ('Parus major'), a small bird and common in parks and gardens, distinguished by a characteristic black color tie, contrasting with the yellow belly modifies its song as the noise of cities as Madrid.

This was revealed in a study in the capital of Spain and Diego Gil Salaberria Concepción, Department of Evolutionary Ecology, National Museum of Natural Sciences-CSIC.

Research has determined how it affects the background noise in the city of Madrid in the frequency of song of the great tit, a species listed 'special interest' in the National Catalogue of Threatened Species.

The work, published in the journal 'Ardeola' SEO / BirdLife, shows that the charcoal in locations more sing louder and lower minimum frequency bandwidth of singing in quieter places, a strategy that allows them to be better perceived by their peers in situations of high levels of urban noise.

"This plasticity in the song may be one of the factors that contribute to successful colonization by species of the cities," the authors conclude.

The results obtained in Madrid, according to Spanish scientists corroborate previous studies developed in other European cities for the great tit and other species. EFE

Thanks to ABC.ES

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rural Clarington residents want say on proposed wind farms

KIRBY -- Residents are bracing for possible winds of change in Clarington.

Two wind farm proposals are being considered in Clarington, which has some rural residents concerned about the consequences of wind turbines in their area.

"We are smack dab in the middle of both sites," said Heather Rutherford, who lives in Kirby. "We live on a farm and our kids are the fourth generation to live on this farm. It's a property that's important to the family, not just valuable but a lot of sentimental history."

Ms. Rutherford is the spokesperson for 'Clarington Wind Concerns', a group of local citizens who live in the study area of the wind farms.

The two wind farms, one by Energy Farming called ZEP Wind Farm Ganaraska and the other by Clarington Wind Farm Leader Energy are both in the early stages.

ZEP Wind Farm Ganaraska is studying the area from Mosport Park to Kendalwood Park to see if it's suitable for a wind farm. Clarington Wind Farm Leader Energy is considering the land from Kirby to Port Granby.

"It's really important for us to be in complete harmony with residents in this project. We take noise and concerns very seriously," said Ariel Bautista, Clarington Wind Farm Leader Energy project coordinator.

Ms. Rutherford said residents are worried about possible health impacts, from sleep disturbance to migraines. With Kirby Public School in the middle of the study area, the group is concerned about whether the turbines could impact developing children. They are also worried about disrupting the natural habitat on the Oak Ridges Moraine.

The noise is also a concern for the group. Provincial legislation has limited the noise from wind turbines to 40 decibels. Ms. Rutherford has concerns about how the noise level can be measured and the restrictions enforced.

Residents are also concerned their property values could decline.

"We're really concerned about the health effects. We're really concerned about our kids. We're protecting our kids," said Ms. Rutherford. "I don't want these in my backyard, but I don't want them in your backyard either, until they can prove it won't harm families."

But studies have found no direct link between wind turbines and health impacts, said Mr. Bautista. Over time property values around wind farms remain similar or even increase slightly, according to the project manager.

Mr. Bautista said Clarington Wind Farm Leader Energy is proposing a small 10-megawatt project. He said the wind turbines will be set back from homes beyond the 550 metres the Province mandates. At that distance the wind turbines Leader Energy plans to use will be no louder than the hum of a quiet office, he added.

The turbines will produce green energy and setbacks mean the project will protect the agricultural land from urban sprawl, according to Mr. Bautista. The company is consulting with conservation authorities to arrange the final placement out of flight paths and away from streams.

"This is a community-owned project by Ontario residents," said Mr. Bautista. "We encourage people to approach us with their opinions. We do want to go forward transparently."

In an effort to create more renewable energy in Ontario, the Province passed the Green Energy Act last spring, which took control for these projects out of the hands of municipalities. The Province now approves new alternative energy and has control over safety regulations.

The doesn't mean local government has no involvement. The proponent has to consult with the municipality on municipal service connections, traffic management plans during construction and operation, rehabilitation of temporary disturbance areas and any municipal infrastructure damaged during construction, emergency management procedures and safety protocols and proposed site landscaping.

Clarington council asked for a staff report on the proposed wind farms.

"We know that wind turbines are the responsibility of the provincial government," said Councillor Charlie Trim. "In order to talk to residents it would be wise to have some details."

Council has no power to approve or reject a wind farm, if it meets provincial regulations. There is no need for a zoning change or other municipally regulated public review and approval process.

"We get to comment but our comments are quite limited," said Faye Langmaid, Clarington acting director of planning. "Our comments are limited to roads, service connections and other things like emergency procedures."

Residents will have more freedom to voice their concerns. Under Green Energy Act regulations, the project proponents must give public notice to neighbours within 1.5 kilometres of the proposed facility. The proponents also hold a community consultation meeting, so residents and interested parties can be consulted. ZEP held a community meeting last July at the Orono Town Hall. Leader Energy is expected to hold its first required public meeting this summer.

The proponents must show community consultation and explain how they tried to address residents' concerns, according to Ms. Langmaid.

'Clarington Wind Concerns' is inviting residents to a public information meeting on Thursday, June 10 at 7 p.m. at the Orono Arena. There will be several guest speakers, including Durham MPP John O'Toole, and a chance for the public to raise their concerns.

"A lot of people I speak to don't know the development is proposed for this area," said Ms. Rutherford.

The group is hoping the meeting will educate the public.

"We're hoping to facilitate a community discussion," said Ms. Rutherford. "There's been no discussion in our community until this point."

Thnks to newsdurhamregion

Bolivia promotes organic food production

La Paz, Jun 2 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Rural Development and Land in Bolivia today presents a strategy for ecological food production with an investment of eight million dollars for the next three years.

The program will be led by the National Council for Organic Production (CENAP) and resources will come from the Spanish Agency for International Development (Say), sources with the ministry.

According to its organizers, the plan aims to provide financial resources to encourage deliveries in seven of nine departments and 20 of the 337 municipalities, which are expected to benefit about five thousand people.

It will also allow public policies to promote development of organic farming at the level of small farmers, promote an increase in the quantity and quality of items through knowledge management, investments and marketing in domestic and international.

The political and strategic aspects of organic production will be controlled by the CENAP, the ministry of agriculture.

Thanks PrensaLatina

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Create Organic Swimwear

Katharine Hamnett designed a line of pieces made from organic cotton and other fabrics that do not harm the environment

Committed to caring for the environment, British designer Katharine Hamnett created a green swimsuit.

According to the page catwalkqueen.tv, teamed up with designer to design the line Yooxygen Save the Sea

Hamnett made 14 different styles of swimwear and each piece was made with organic cotton and other organic fabrics.

The line is inspired by the '50s and includes striking prints in one-piece suits, bikinis, bags and towels.

Through the Internet you can buy bathing suits, from $ 65 and a portion of sales will go to charity.