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Sunday, June 13, 2010

What is Visual Pollution?

This type of pollution perceived by the sense of sight daily exposure to millions of people, mainly in cities, to aggressive stimuli that invade and against which there is no filter or defense.

Visual pollution refers to the abuse of certain elements "no architecture" that alter the aesthetics, the image of both rural and urban landscape, and they generate, often a visual overstimulation aggressive, invasive and simultaneously.

These may be signs, wires, chimneys, antennas, poles and other elements that do not cause pollution in itself, but by manipulating the man indiscriminately (size, order, distribution) become pollutants. One wild consumer society in permanent change that acts without social consciousness or environmental is the endorses (or allows) the onset and saturation of these pollutants.

This is evident both in rural as in urban areas of greater density. But logically it is in the metropolis, where all these evils are manifested most starkly. All these elements described negatively affect the man and the environment by reducing the quality of life.

The posters advertising has been the most notorious for its immediate impact, creating an overstimulation in humans by indiscriminate information, and the many messages that invade the eye. Thus man sees a chaotic environment and confusion that excites and stimulates, causing a momentary anxiety stimulus duration.

The simultaneity of the stimuli to which they are subjected, for example, motorists, they can become triggers traffic accidents. As can generate distraction, and even preclude the perception of traffic signposts. This, inevitably, also acts detrimental to the same media, mimicking the different signs and signals that it is subject to individuals, each other and losing strength camouflage the clear reading of the message. But these agents also strongly affect the physical space. And facades are destroyed or hidden by overlapping signs, metal structures and fireplaces.

The architecture appears undervalued and miniaturized. The sky obscured by cables and antennas. Public space distorted and invaded by poles, signs bras, shelters, pedestrian traffic slowed, and the vegetation destroyed. This picture is terribly harmful to the common man, imagine how it is for a disabled child or elder.

This situation not only undermines contralateral beauty of urban space, but also about reading some claraque have individuals of the same, difficult to identify with their city dweller. A city with visual pollution denotes a state with a lack of policy for the city, with a loss or no regulation of public and private space. So cities are transformed into situations of millions of individual decisions careless in their surroundings, forming a chaotic living hard to grasp by the human eye.

Visual pollution must be considered definitely as an environmental issue, and to legislate accordingly. It must be realized that it is not just to speak on measurements and proportions of posters. The State must have a global environmental policy with clear and precise rules which aim to a better quality of life for all. And the degradation is voluntary and man-made should also be controlled and modified by him.

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