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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Waterpebble saves water and energy

Waterpebble is the name of an ecological unit that offers the possibility to control the timing and amount of water used in the shower. Thanks to this invention can achieve ecological energy and water savings.This innovative device called Waterpebble requires no installation. It is sufficient to place it in a place where water flows, when the shower or tub bath. In Spain, also known as stone of water. The apparatus for controlling the water flowing at the time of the shower has been designed by Paul Priestman, who worked in collaboration with conujuntamente DryPlanet. One interesting thing to know is that once the device fulfills its life cycle, you may return to Priestman, because the designer has thought of later recycling so you can return to be used.

Waterpebble gives the user the ability to save enough water, and gas and electricity savings. The operation of Waterpebble is very simple. The first time it is used in the shower the water control device that is spent and also measures the time spent. These measurements are remembered automatically.

Subsequently, once stored in his memory statistics, Waterpebble will reduce the time limit by two-thirds. It is a way to help consumers, without even realizing it, they can be shortening the time and the water they use at the time of the shower.

This device, completely organic and recyclable, it tells the user if they are spending as much water in the showers after what had been spent on the first shower, when the first measurement was made. If it flashes a red light means that the user has been exceeded and consumption should be reduced if the light stays green means that the user stays within the proper measurements compared to the first measurement and if the light is flashing yellow means the user is about to cross the threshold and use too much water to use.

An excellent way to help consumers save water and energy and promote recycling.


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