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Saturday, July 3, 2010

The spill, an even worse catastrophe

The amount of oil that leaked would be eight times higher than the Exxon Valdez, the worst tragedy in the U.S. Environmental

HOUSTON.? The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico not only as the worst natural disaster in U.S. history, but, according to new figures released yesterday, the amount of oil that escaped from the subsea well be twice as previously thought. There are fears also that the oil slick to spread much more than originally estimated.

According to a study by a panel of scientists from the U.S. government, up to 317 million gallons of crude oil and affected the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico? 7.9 million per day, double the highest figure released so far?, Which equivalent to eight times the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaskan waters in 1989.

This means that the well could have poured up to 40,000 barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico between April 20, when the accident occurred, and last March, when British Petroleum (BP) was able to reduce leakage.

In addition, more oil means that the gigantic heavy stain could be extended in an area bigger than originally expected, causing far more serious consequences for the environment, said Paul Montagna, a marine biologist at the University of Texas A & M in Corpus Christi.

"Doubling the amount of oil is not a linear effect, does not duplicate the consequences, but may have four times the consequences? Said Montagna, who explores the depths of the Gulf of Mexico and other underwater ecosystems.

The new estimates of stroke is worse than before and could pose more costs for BP, which may have to pay more fines to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Most of the new estimates show a higher amount of oil spilled per hour than the volume that the authorities had said that was poured in an entire day.

"This is a nightmare that gets worse every week? Said Michael Brune, executive director of the environmental group Sierra Club." We found more and more information on the extent of damage. It is clear that we can not trust BP estimates on how much oil is being spilled. "

The new round of figures is the third in which the U.S. government has had to increase its estimate of oil spilled, but nothing indicates that the last time.

The black oil yesterday reached the coast of several counties in Northwest Florida and some waves have reached the Perdido Pass Channel, the area adjacent to Alabama. The Department of Environmental Protection Florida confirmed the arrival of oil and foam to Perdido Pass, the mouth of the river of the same name, in Escambia County, home to the famous beaches of Pensacola and Perdido Key.

The spill affected 190km of the North American coast in the Gulf of Mexico and threatens the multibillion-dollar fishing industries and tourism in the region.

The U.S. president, Barack Obama, who has raised the tone of his criticism of BP, invited the company president, Carl-Henric Svanberg, to join him on Wednesday to discuss the spill.

The oil company faces increasing pressure from the White House and the natural disaster became a source of tension between Britain and the United States. Obama and British Prime Minister, David Cameron, maintained a telephone call today to discuss various topics, including stroke.

Business sectors Cameron urged the government to defend BP, the largest payer of dividends between British firms traded in the face of threats from Washington to broaden the responsibility for signing by the spill and to press for the suspension of the quarterly payment to its shareholders.

In addition, Mexico also joined the discussion. The oil from the well of BP could reach the shores of the neighboring country in December, and the Mexican Environment Secretary said it is considering suing the company for a possible environmental damage.

Thanks to LaNacion

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