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Friday, July 9, 2010

Growing number of organ donors in Argentina

According to data from the Unique Central National Institute of Ablation and Implant Coordinator (INCUCAI)-an agency under the Ministry of Health of the Nation ", with 61 actual donors in June became the month record in the supply of donor organs in the country, surpassing the previous record of September 2007, 58 donors.

Consulted on the subject this afternoon after his visit to the Hospital Posadas by the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the Minister of Health of Argentina, Juan Manzur, said to have surpassed previous records, "we're excited and expectations, and encourages us to continue working in this way, "noting that" the INCUCAI is an example at the regional level, and one of the best institutions in the country. In that sense, organ donation saves lives and improve the quality of life of people. "

For its part, the holder of INCUCAI, Carlos Soratti, explained that "this is the product of work is being done in recent times, in which there was a national meeting of the provincial teams and scientific societies to develop strategies an important intervention into the health system in each jurisdiction, each hospital complex and intensive therapies. "

Also, the official said that "society has a positive attitude toward donation and transplantation, and Argentina has grown so much. Hence we must add the work being done in medical clinics that handle the critical patient, with severe neurological damage, because it is in those units where it is possible to recognize the human death when it is caused primarily by neurological damage, and that is the key that may start a donation process. "

"I think we will never reach a situation in which we do not need to increase efforts in this area. Minister Manzur is driving us to define significant growth targets, and we believe that at the end of 2011 Argentina will arrive at eighteen donors per million population, implying very strong growth. So it is interesting that all this strategy and this work begins to show signs of growth, "added Soratti.

"Today there are 6000 patients waiting for organ transplants and about 3000 waiting for a cornea, for example. And the possibility of access to transplantation is precisely through the use of organs and tissues after death are neither necessary nor useful. Hopefully building together a society in which we think collectively to facilitate the use of organs and tissues or body parts after death. That will give us enormous potential to meet the waiting list, "concluded Soratti.

Of all transplants performed in the first half of the year, 363 were kidney, 130 liver, 34 heart, 30 renopancreƔticos, 21 lung, 2 bowel, 2 hepatorenal, 2 of liver and a heart-lung. Also were implemented more than 437 corneal transplants, taking into account the 171 tissue donors. Donors to the availability of organs and tissues came from hospitals across the country.

The new record was achieved through the solidarity of the people who decided to donate their organs, provincial enforcement agencies, the transplant coordinators and medical personnel from hospitals around the country, whose work on organ procurement and tissues ensures certainty and transparency in the donation process.

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