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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Latinos believe they have ideal weight obesity despite

When you look in the mirror is very likely that an obese person is not fat and that its size is considered healthy.

In reaching this conclusion, experts from the Southwestern Medical Center at the University of Texas interviewed 2 000 56 people from the state of Dallas, with a body mass index greater than 30, ie obese.

The volunteers had to choose their ideal weight body nine illustrations. The result showed that 165 people (8% of group) was chosen as an ideal form that was equal to or greater than yours. This shows an error in the concept of healthy weight.

Neither educational level nor the money changed the perception of people, but their ethnicity, as 14% of respondents of color had a distorted body image, 11% of Latinos and only 2% of white participants.

Those who said their weight was appropriate, also admitted to feeling good and not be concerned about their health, unlike other people who were recognized as being obese.

Additionally, the first thought that their risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attacks was low.

Said Dr. Tiffany M. Powell, in charge of the study, the high rate of obesity in the United States has normalized the perception of the public about this epidemic.

Thanks to PrensaLatinaLV

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