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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Naked protesters simulate killing of animals in Barcelona

Message: How many lives to a shelter?

BARCELONA - About fifty animal advocates rallied Sunday lying completely naked in a square in Barcelona to denounce the "cruelties" inflicted on the animals whose skins are used to make garments.

"How many lives for a coat?" Asked a sign of a young woman lying among the demonstrators at the Plaza de Sant Jaume, in the historic center of Barcelona.

Those who lay on the floor were smeared with red paint that simulated blood, symbolically representing the remains of dead animals to make fur coats.

"People are sensitive to the suffering of animals is the fur garments as acts of cruelty and pain, not as objects of luxury. The animals need their fur, we do not," said Leticia Olivares, a spokesman for the international advocacy group of AnimaNaturalis animals, which organizes the event.

Millions of foxes, minks, otters, beavers, bobcats and other species are bred in captivity in small boxes, or captured and killed in very brutal conditions, such as drowning or electrocuting them, to make fur coats, the group said.

Spain and Greece, Germany and Italy are important fur, according AnimaNaturalis. In Spain, breeding farm animals whose fur is used to make clothes are usually in the north, and the fur industry is implanted in Catalonia

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