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Thursday, December 9, 2010


Practiced cruelty to animals, as well as the cruelty committed against the people, has the same meaning for those who suffer, the pain is incomprehensible. And the same origin: the same cruelty.
On Sunday 12 December and to mark the International Day of Animal Rights, Plasencia Ecologists in Action will hold a series of activities in the Plaza Mayor of the town in order to raise public awareness about animal sentience and respect for nature.

The events will begin at 11 am with the presentation of an information booth which illustrates the history of suffering Artik, the Siberian husky at the hands of those entitled to her protection suffered brutal abuse. Also it will perform a mini Canine Education Workshop, which will present the basic skills to understand and comprehend, the dogs and the basic rules to develop a respectful relationship. Finally, at 12 hours calls for a concentration in the same place to express the revulsion at animal abuse.

Although the law sets out rules to know, protect and respect animals as living beings and part of the same common nature in order to give appropriate treatment and to avoid unnecessary suffering, the practice persists, not infrequently, in return the worst image of human nature: cruelty to which is subject to the weakest. You need to realize that the mistreatment of animals is a stimulus, and early warning, development of other undesirable behaviors. For this is the task of society to promote educational processes that demonstrate a sense of respect and protection for animals as living creatures and sensitive part of our nature. Develop educational programs where children form sensitive to nature and animals in order to help form good men and most likely responsible pet owners and protectors of nature ...

And also because of the holiday season, Ecologists in Action notes that "An animal is not a toy," the avalanche of acquiring pet as a Christmas gift, of which a large percentage end up being abandoned. Also worth recalling the various problems that are causing the "fashion" of acquiring exotic animals as pets, so we encourage you not to buy animals such as spiders, reptiles, parrots and other exotic birds and wild animals are not exotic ( partridge, finches).
And if you really want to help alleviate animal cruelty, you can adopt a pet (dog, cat ...) from an abandoned animal shelter. Before their rejection is the best gesture from abuse.


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