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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Warn of damage pathological Internet use

Teenagers who use the Internet in pathological form are more likely to develop depression than those who do not, according to a report published online today by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

According to the article, since the mid-1990s, pathological Internet use, that is uncontrolled and unreasonable, has been identified as a problem behavior with signs and symptoms similar to other addictions.

Such use has been associated with health problems, aggressive behavior and other psychiatric symptoms.

Medical experts from Australia and China studied the pathological use and later mental health problems among nearly 50 thousand teenagers from 15 years in average age in China.

Participants were evaluated for depression and anxiety using previously validated scales.

Moreover, young people completed a questionnaire to identify pathological Internet use, including questions that reflect a typical addictive behavior.

According to the authors of the study, "this result suggests that young people who initially did not have mental health problems may develop depression as a result of pathological Internet use."

The study's analysis indicated that the identification of individuals at risk in the school environment could be considered an effective strategy for early prevention.

The report suggests that early intervention could reduce the burden of depression and subsequent mental health problems among young people.

Therefore, a program for the detection of pathological Internet use could be considered in secondary schools to identify individuals at risk for further advice and treatment early.


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