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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saolas: create a nature reserve in Vietnam to save these mysterious cattle

For those who never heard of him, the saola is considered theworld's strangest mammals. Only 19 years ago that the specieswas discovered by Western science and are virtually unknownsince it does not survive in captivity. Today the cattle, which islisted as critically endangered, Vietnam will have a protected areain the Natural Park Saola "which is expected to recover itspopulation.

The saolas belong to the family of cattle and are related toantelopes and cows. MontañasAnnamitas live only in Vietnam andLaos, low tropical forest ecosystem that years ago was intended to protect because of the high degree of vulnerability of biodiversity.Like many other animals of their main threats are poaching.Currently it is estimated that the population can go from a fewhundred specimens (at best) until just a few dozen (at leastoptimistic forecasts.)

With this new "Saola Natural Park, located in Quang Nam, east ofVietnam opens a protected corridor that will connect to the Xe SapNational Park in Laos.

Source: WWF


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