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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Invasive clams in Great Lake

Several factors tend to alter an ecosystem, and while many of themare related by the action of man, sometimes resulting from a sudden increased occurrence of invasive species that tend to alterthe pre-existing balance, affecting the quality of life native speciesand creating conditions that can cripple even the creatures that live there.

This is exactly what is happening in the U.S. Lake deGreat Lake,where a myriad of fish species are being affected by the advance and rapid reproduction of two invasive species of clams (Zebraand Quagga Type) causing the destruction of algal populations.

There are several factors which caused this sudden invasion froma link to changes in Lake Michigan to the migration of thesespecies reproduced rapidly due to a marked contrast in theamount of food found in Great Lake.

These species of clams have a rather small, so their diet is mainly based on small algae and other unicellular organisms calleddiatoms.

Via: Science Dail


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