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Sunday, July 25, 2010

SEP calls to build schools providing global warming

Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. "Due to global warming schools to be built in the future must be made according to an analysis of weather issues, I think here in Tamaulipas, the secretary of public education in the country, Alonso Lujambio Irazabal.

"It is important that all construction of new schools in the future all the time incorporate the analysis of weather issues that may develop from global warming."

After finishing a meeting with the state governor, Eugenio Hernandez Flores, the owner of the SEP said the three levels of government-municipal, state, federal, should be integrated into its calculation of programmatic action planning and weather conditions that may develop.

Tamaulipas noted that schools were built in safe places, while in Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, the opposite happened.

"The Tamaulipas were careful not to place schools in the paths of the rivers, in particularly dangerous places, so that there is at this time unlike the cases neolonés Coahuila and scenarios that lead us to think to move or change schools have been particularly affected. "

He said that at the end of the school year there was no noticeable absenteeism resulting from different events.

"Quite the contrary were concluded throughout the country except in some regions of the state, Nayarit eventually modify its schedule but we did it on time and conclude the school year."
Tamaulipas Damage in schools was valued at 18 million pesos budget which is provided by the National Disaster Fund and the state of Tamaulipas.

Thanks to

Friday, July 23, 2010

The ocean is a major sink for CO2 and 200,000 pollutant

By: E.F.E

The oceans with more than 3,000 meters deep cover half the planet's surface.
The ocean plays a central role in regulating Earth's climate and is a major sink for CO2 and other substances, with more than 200,000 synthetic pollutants resulting from human activity.

This was stated by the researcher of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), Carlos Duarte, introducing the media to project Malaspina 2010, the largest issue of history that aims to assess the impact of global change on the ocean.

Global change is defined as the impact of human activity on the functioning of the biosphere.

The program's interdisciplinary project, which collected 70 000 samples of air, water and plankton, also seeks to promote the exploration of biodiversity in the deep ocean.

The oceans with more than 3,000 meters deep cover half the planet's surface and are therefore most ecosystem.

However, the oceans remain a mystery and exploration of life in the deep ocean is still in its infancy, limited, until recently, by the technologies available.

As explained responsible for the CSIC, during the presentation of the project, the Ocean is also the memory of the climate system, and every drop of water that was once on the surface maintains the properties of time, like a fingerprint question by allowing to infer the atmospheric conditions of the time and so know the scope of global change.

The project will launch 50 Ocean buoys continue to record and sending key data to improve knowledge of ocean circulation and heating, as well as calibrate new instruments on board satellites.

On the other hand the importance of studying the phytoplankton is the fact that this is responsible for almost half of the photosynthesis that occurs on the planet, and therefore has a key role in the dynamics of global processes, including those affect climate regulation.

Thanks to elespectador

Vaginal Gel helps prevent AIDS

The AIDS Research Program of South Africa (CAPRISA, for its acronym in English) in Vienna today unveiled the results of a study of a vaginal microbicide gel that reduces HIV transmission in women.

The findings were presented Tuesday in the framework of the XXVIII International Conference Against Acquired Immunodeficiency Síndome, which meets in Vienna from last weekend to see the overall progress against the disease.

South African researcher Salim Abdool Karim, head of research, said the innovative vaginal gel containing the antiviral tenofivir, significantly reduced the risk of infection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Karim, professor and researcher at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, said that women who applied the gel were able to reduce the risk of infection in 39.0 percent, after two and a half years of use, compared with the gel without medication.

The study was conducted for two and a half years to 889 heterosexual women in the South African city of Durban and other cities nearby: Mthethwa, who used the vaginal gel at least 12 hours before having sex and after sex.

The gel also reduced by 51.0 percent the odds of contracting HSV-2 (genital herpes), so that experts could use constants a defense effective for women whose partners refuse to wear condoms.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) described the research as a "breakthrough" in fighting the disease that kills millions of people around the world each year.

"We are giving hope to women. For the first time we have seen results for an HIV prevention option for women initiated and controlled, "the director of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibe, in a statement released in Beijing.

If confirmed, he added, a microbicide will be a powerful option for the prevention and revolution "will help us break the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic," he said.

Thanks to prensalatinalasvegas

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ecological detergents.

Ecological detergents and organic fungicides are all biodegradable products, recognized by the certification label "eco" we ensure that we are respectful of our environment.

The fundamental principles of ecological detergents reference are:

· Protect our planet and its resources, making the use of ingredients that come from renewable sources (favoring the use of ingredients from the agricultural industry), obtained by methods that respect the environment and prohibit most synthetic materials.
· Provide protection and consumer information to demonstrate which have a composition much more precisely than regular detergents. These products guarantee the traceability of ingredients during manufacture.
· Acknowledge the value of experience from companies producing organic products that will improve the quality of products that provide the benefit of consumers and thus benefit the environment.

It is also possible to make economic and ecological detergents home using natural materials and biodegradable. The preparation time is negligible. To prepare a liter of organic detergent only need: soap and lemon juice. Grate between 30-50 grams of soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water stirring. We heat slightly if necessary and add 15 cl. lemon juice. The detergent is used diluted. We may use, for example, ecological detergents to clean any surface and then rinsed with water.

By using ecological detergents, especially if we have prepared us even though we buy in a store are very good provided they are eco-label, we know that we are using completely natural product and we are contributing to our environment.

Discovered two antibodies that block 90% of HIV strains

A team of scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S. discovers two antibodies to cancel 90% of known HIV strains. It is a very important step for achieving an effective preventive vaccine.

The journal Science published a study by scientists Peter D. Kwong, John R. Mascola, Gary J. Nabel, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, United States (English NAID), which describes the discovery of two antibodies capable of facing the 90% of strains of HIV-1 virus, which causes AIDS. This is the greatest potential for combating the virus has been discovered to date.

When HIV enters the human body, it reacts just like with any other infectious invasion: creating antibodies, a type of protein that dissolves blood particles designed to block external aggression. The difference from other viruses is that HIV is able to attach to immune cells and destroy them to defeat this attack to the point of destroying the immune system, so that the body no longer produces more antibodies and is not able to defend any disease. As is known, in the later stages of the disease a simple cold can kill the patient.

In 2007 he discovered the mechanism by which HIV enters immune cells in what is the first step in the infection process, since then scientists have endeavored to find a way to block this binding. The problem is that HIV is constantly changing the layout of its surface proteins to the immune system does not recognize and can not create a stable defense against the virus, this makes the process of finding a way to block it. It's like chasing a bank robber can change the face every time he goes into a branch.

In addition there are many subtypes of the virus, which until now had been impossible to find a cure for all of them. But intensive research worldwide found an area of the virus, CD4, which remains unchanged among all subtypes: that's exactly where you caught the molecule that blocks the virus.

The idea to stop the virus, apparently, is simple (although obviously this point has taken years and years of research) to study the exact point of the antibody in which the virus attaches and create a molecule that mimics and comes together in this place of union. The study's authors injected these molecules in the blood of an HIV positive and found and two antibodies, and VRC02 VRC01 to neutralize 91% all known strains of the virus (so far only been found molecules that blocked 40% 75%).

"The discovery of these antibodies with exceptionally broad HIV neutralizing power and structural analysis that explains how they work are exciting developments that could accelerate our efforts to find an HIV preventive vaccine for global use," said the director of NAID, Anthony S. Fauci. "Besides, he added," the technique that this team of researchers has used to find these new antibodies represent a new strategy that could be applied to the design of vaccines for many infectious diseases. " Thanks to this discovery, we are one step closer to finding a preventive vaccine overall efficiency to convert the AIDS virus in a bad memory.

Thanks to nuevatribuna

Friday, July 9, 2010

Iraqis used the healing properties of gemstones

The healing properties of gemstones and semi-precious are widely recognized for millennia.

The ancient healers believed in a connection between gemstones and the solar system, planets energy is accumulated in the stones and can give strength and health to their owners. They also say that the stones are connected to the signs of the Zodiac.

The modern alternative medicine say that these beliefs are quite reasonable. There is even a special branch that studies the healing properties of minerals and crystals - gem therapy.

"The efficiency of the cure depends on your planet, your birth date and Zodiac sign. When is your birthday? Ah, I get it. Take carnelian, his stone is," says Seyyid Sabbah, owner of a jewelry store.

It is said that various precious and semi-precious cure various diseases. The diamonds can help people suffering from stroke and eye diseases. The emeralds are good for the nervous system, heart, skin and muscles. Pearls are known to help during menopause. The carnelian cure psychological illnesses and improves blood circulation. The price of a stone depends on its healing properties.

"The prices are different. It all depends on the stone itself. Can cost 20 or $ 100," says Abu Shahd, owner of a jewelry store.

There are stones which are famous for their almost magical qualities. Some of them can make you rich, help to find true love, others to protect themselves from enemies and dangers. Many people still believe in this, and decorated with rings, necklaces and brooches.

"This is an agate Yemen. Healing the human soul, protect from evil. It provides the blessing of God," Kasim Hussein believes the customer of this jewelry.

The stones are placed in different parts of the body. Improper use of the techniques are considered quackery and may even be harmful.

Thanks to eluniverso

Growing number of organ donors in Argentina

According to data from the Unique Central National Institute of Ablation and Implant Coordinator (INCUCAI)-an agency under the Ministry of Health of the Nation ", with 61 actual donors in June became the month record in the supply of donor organs in the country, surpassing the previous record of September 2007, 58 donors.

Consulted on the subject this afternoon after his visit to the Hospital Posadas by the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the Minister of Health of Argentina, Juan Manzur, said to have surpassed previous records, "we're excited and expectations, and encourages us to continue working in this way, "noting that" the INCUCAI is an example at the regional level, and one of the best institutions in the country. In that sense, organ donation saves lives and improve the quality of life of people. "

For its part, the holder of INCUCAI, Carlos Soratti, explained that "this is the product of work is being done in recent times, in which there was a national meeting of the provincial teams and scientific societies to develop strategies an important intervention into the health system in each jurisdiction, each hospital complex and intensive therapies. "

Also, the official said that "society has a positive attitude toward donation and transplantation, and Argentina has grown so much. Hence we must add the work being done in medical clinics that handle the critical patient, with severe neurological damage, because it is in those units where it is possible to recognize the human death when it is caused primarily by neurological damage, and that is the key that may start a donation process. "

"I think we will never reach a situation in which we do not need to increase efforts in this area. Minister Manzur is driving us to define significant growth targets, and we believe that at the end of 2011 Argentina will arrive at eighteen donors per million population, implying very strong growth. So it is interesting that all this strategy and this work begins to show signs of growth, "added Soratti.

"Today there are 6000 patients waiting for organ transplants and about 3000 waiting for a cornea, for example. And the possibility of access to transplantation is precisely through the use of organs and tissues after death are neither necessary nor useful. Hopefully building together a society in which we think collectively to facilitate the use of organs and tissues or body parts after death. That will give us enormous potential to meet the waiting list, "concluded Soratti.

Of all transplants performed in the first half of the year, 363 were kidney, 130 liver, 34 heart, 30 renopancreáticos, 21 lung, 2 bowel, 2 hepatorenal, 2 of liver and a heart-lung. Also were implemented more than 437 corneal transplants, taking into account the 171 tissue donors. Donors to the availability of organs and tissues came from hospitals across the country.

The new record was achieved through the solidarity of the people who decided to donate their organs, provincial enforcement agencies, the transplant coordinators and medical personnel from hospitals around the country, whose work on organ procurement and tissues ensures certainty and transparency in the donation process.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Automotive Daimler buses are betting environmental

The European manufacturer has sent the country a first set of articulated and cleaner
goal is to provide 30% of orders for these buses, Colombia may require 4,000 units.

Daimler Colombia made available to operators Mass Transportation Systems (GTS) and articulated buses to suit the environmental requirements of sustainable technology in the transportation of passengers.

The European company sent to Colombia's first order of six Mercedes Benz buses that meet Euro V environmental standards, thus becomes the first country in Latin America with the technology, which also consume less diesel fuel, low cost allows operation.

The first six units with this technology are part of an order of Yes Group in Bogota, but the German is in negotiations to address other operators of the nation's capital, Bucaramanga and Cali.

The vehicles will be imported from plants Daimler Mercedes Brazil, USA and Germany, but could be brought in when needed from other plants of the mark in the world.

Euro V standard is regulated by the European Commission and established the technical requirements for approval of motor vehicles as regards emissions of gases that affect the environment, and adapted to the country. Therefore, the regulations require that from July 2010 to market only products for STM with Euro IV environmental standards or higher.

The vice president of sales for Mercedes Benz Brazil, Joachim Maier, said that besides reducing emission of pollutants, the system reduces the Euro V fuel consumption.

The decision to offer models in Colombia is that the brand believes it is the most advanced country in the region in the implementation of SMT, both in execution and operation, to the point that he uses as an example to attract customers from other markets. The executive added that the SMT must not only fulfill a social function of quality of life through reducing travel time for passengers, but also contribute to environmental care.

For his part, Jorge Londono, vice president of Daimler SMT Colombia, said the company aspires to a 30 percent stake in number of orders that are anticipated over the coming years for new stages of SMT. His estimates suggest that demand will be 4,000 units, and most will be in Bogota, 3000.

Thanks to Portafolio

The U.S. market is the world's biggest polluter

The U.S. auto market is the biggest polluter in the world, as reflected in the consulting firm JATO Dynamics, reporting that average CO2 emissions of vehicles sold during the first quarter there were 268 grams per kilometer, double those recorded in Europe and Japan.

And is that according to the document, the average in the country of the Rising Hall during the same period are at 130.8 g / km of C02, while in the Old World were 140.3 g / km C02.

JATO President Americas, David Mitchell, explained that U.S. consumers need to conduct a reassessment "fundamental" in their car buying preferences, due to increased fuel prices, among other things.

However, the report indicates that fuel prices remain low in the United States from other countries. Hence, this market remains dominated by petrol vehicles, which account for 81.9% of the total.


The spill, an even worse catastrophe

The amount of oil that leaked would be eight times higher than the Exxon Valdez, the worst tragedy in the U.S. Environmental

HOUSTON.? The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico not only as the worst natural disaster in U.S. history, but, according to new figures released yesterday, the amount of oil that escaped from the subsea well be twice as previously thought. There are fears also that the oil slick to spread much more than originally estimated.

According to a study by a panel of scientists from the U.S. government, up to 317 million gallons of crude oil and affected the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico? 7.9 million per day, double the highest figure released so far?, Which equivalent to eight times the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaskan waters in 1989.

This means that the well could have poured up to 40,000 barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico between April 20, when the accident occurred, and last March, when British Petroleum (BP) was able to reduce leakage.

In addition, more oil means that the gigantic heavy stain could be extended in an area bigger than originally expected, causing far more serious consequences for the environment, said Paul Montagna, a marine biologist at the University of Texas A & M in Corpus Christi.

"Doubling the amount of oil is not a linear effect, does not duplicate the consequences, but may have four times the consequences? Said Montagna, who explores the depths of the Gulf of Mexico and other underwater ecosystems.

The new estimates of stroke is worse than before and could pose more costs for BP, which may have to pay more fines to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Most of the new estimates show a higher amount of oil spilled per hour than the volume that the authorities had said that was poured in an entire day.

"This is a nightmare that gets worse every week? Said Michael Brune, executive director of the environmental group Sierra Club." We found more and more information on the extent of damage. It is clear that we can not trust BP estimates on how much oil is being spilled. "

The new round of figures is the third in which the U.S. government has had to increase its estimate of oil spilled, but nothing indicates that the last time.

The black oil yesterday reached the coast of several counties in Northwest Florida and some waves have reached the Perdido Pass Channel, the area adjacent to Alabama. The Department of Environmental Protection Florida confirmed the arrival of oil and foam to Perdido Pass, the mouth of the river of the same name, in Escambia County, home to the famous beaches of Pensacola and Perdido Key.

The spill affected 190km of the North American coast in the Gulf of Mexico and threatens the multibillion-dollar fishing industries and tourism in the region.

The U.S. president, Barack Obama, who has raised the tone of his criticism of BP, invited the company president, Carl-Henric Svanberg, to join him on Wednesday to discuss the spill.

The oil company faces increasing pressure from the White House and the natural disaster became a source of tension between Britain and the United States. Obama and British Prime Minister, David Cameron, maintained a telephone call today to discuss various topics, including stroke.

Business sectors Cameron urged the government to defend BP, the largest payer of dividends between British firms traded in the face of threats from Washington to broaden the responsibility for signing by the spill and to press for the suspension of the quarterly payment to its shareholders.

In addition, Mexico also joined the discussion. The oil from the well of BP could reach the shores of the neighboring country in December, and the Mexican Environment Secretary said it is considering suing the company for a possible environmental damage.

Thanks to LaNacion