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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Waterpebble saves water and energy

Waterpebble is the name of an ecological unit that offers the possibility to control the timing and amount of water used in the shower. Thanks to this invention can achieve ecological energy and water savings.This innovative device called Waterpebble requires no installation. It is sufficient to place it in a place where water flows, when the shower or tub bath. In Spain, also known as stone of water. The apparatus for controlling the water flowing at the time of the shower has been designed by Paul Priestman, who worked in collaboration with conujuntamente DryPlanet. One interesting thing to know is that once the device fulfills its life cycle, you may return to Priestman, because the designer has thought of later recycling so you can return to be used.

Waterpebble gives the user the ability to save enough water, and gas and electricity savings. The operation of Waterpebble is very simple. The first time it is used in the shower the water control device that is spent and also measures the time spent. These measurements are remembered automatically.

Subsequently, once stored in his memory statistics, Waterpebble will reduce the time limit by two-thirds. It is a way to help consumers, without even realizing it, they can be shortening the time and the water they use at the time of the shower.

This device, completely organic and recyclable, it tells the user if they are spending as much water in the showers after what had been spent on the first shower, when the first measurement was made. If it flashes a red light means that the user has been exceeded and consumption should be reduced if the light stays green means that the user stays within the proper measurements compared to the first measurement and if the light is flashing yellow means the user is about to cross the threshold and use too much water to use.

An excellent way to help consumers save water and energy and promote recycling.


Mountains destroyed in Thailand

Limestone mountains of inestimable value have been destroyed in southern Thailand. The ecological disasters continue in the world.

The incident occurred in southern Thailand, where limestone hills of the Krabi region have been destroyed. Another environmental disaster has just begun in this region that is highly regarded in different ways. The fact has endangered a string of massive limestone or "sugar loaf" that still contain prehistoric remains, more than 40,000 years, which have not yet finished being scanned. The latter are covered with rich forests.

Krabi is an attractive region, unique in its configuration and also for his strong rich prehistoric past. The region attracts many visitors each year. This beauty, however, is fragile and, at present, has been affected by numerous nefestos damage.

Intensive monocultures, deforestation, the beds (which are also a tourist attraction) have jeopardized the mountains.

Engineered with urgency, the project called "SosKrabi" focuses today on a stonemason who has recently opened without legal authorization. This new way to attack one of the most beautiful mountain ranges "Pan de Azúcar" that characterizes the region. These mountains are home to unexplored prehistoric caves in which are very important prehistoric remains dating back 40,000 years. Hence, the loss of this mountain has a priceless value.

It becomes really urgent warning and educating the population to conserve this region so special. This is an appeal to the whole world because it is about preserving a world heritage of great importance.

Thanks to Blogverde

Samsung launches large-format display with LED

The new displays that Samsung brings to market are the new LFD, EX series, monitors and ultrafine greener, available in 40, 46 and 55 inches, which also permit to carry a board computer.

'The innovative EX series will have a major impact on the market for large format monitors, thanks to its eco-efficient technology, to its impressive image quality and sleek design,' says Elena Caballero, Visual Display Product Manager Samsung Electronics Iberia. The new models incorporate LED LFD important improvements over conventional LCD screens in terms of power consumption, design, image quality and efficiency, waiting for a redefinition of the display advertising market.

With the Energy Star 5.0 certification, the EX series incorporates LED technology that achieved a 40% reduction in electricity consumption for LCD screens, with a reduction in their carbon footprint and use of hazardous substances, lead extended with the possibility of incorporating a computer. It offers a 120Hz refresh rate, allowing a more rapid changes of image without motion blur, providing sharper images with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 Full HD.

They also include an exclusive Samsung solution for managing content, Magicinfo i, can easily control multiple displays connected to a network. The EX-series Samsung is characterized by the use of advanced technology, not used in any other LFD, as the RJ-45, with screens that can control through a LAN cable, or fundón for intelligent programming, which can turn on and off the screen, adjust the volume and set input sources, among others.

Thanks to cine y tv

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What is Visual Pollution?

This type of pollution perceived by the sense of sight daily exposure to millions of people, mainly in cities, to aggressive stimuli that invade and against which there is no filter or defense.

Visual pollution refers to the abuse of certain elements "no architecture" that alter the aesthetics, the image of both rural and urban landscape, and they generate, often a visual overstimulation aggressive, invasive and simultaneously.

These may be signs, wires, chimneys, antennas, poles and other elements that do not cause pollution in itself, but by manipulating the man indiscriminately (size, order, distribution) become pollutants. One wild consumer society in permanent change that acts without social consciousness or environmental is the endorses (or allows) the onset and saturation of these pollutants.

This is evident both in rural as in urban areas of greater density. But logically it is in the metropolis, where all these evils are manifested most starkly. All these elements described negatively affect the man and the environment by reducing the quality of life.

The posters advertising has been the most notorious for its immediate impact, creating an overstimulation in humans by indiscriminate information, and the many messages that invade the eye. Thus man sees a chaotic environment and confusion that excites and stimulates, causing a momentary anxiety stimulus duration.

The simultaneity of the stimuli to which they are subjected, for example, motorists, they can become triggers traffic accidents. As can generate distraction, and even preclude the perception of traffic signposts. This, inevitably, also acts detrimental to the same media, mimicking the different signs and signals that it is subject to individuals, each other and losing strength camouflage the clear reading of the message. But these agents also strongly affect the physical space. And facades are destroyed or hidden by overlapping signs, metal structures and fireplaces.

The architecture appears undervalued and miniaturized. The sky obscured by cables and antennas. Public space distorted and invaded by poles, signs bras, shelters, pedestrian traffic slowed, and the vegetation destroyed. This picture is terribly harmful to the common man, imagine how it is for a disabled child or elder.

This situation not only undermines contralateral beauty of urban space, but also about reading some claraque have individuals of the same, difficult to identify with their city dweller. A city with visual pollution denotes a state with a lack of policy for the city, with a loss or no regulation of public and private space. So cities are transformed into situations of millions of individual decisions careless in their surroundings, forming a chaotic living hard to grasp by the human eye.

Visual pollution must be considered definitely as an environmental issue, and to legislate accordingly. It must be realized that it is not just to speak on measurements and proportions of posters. The State must have a global environmental policy with clear and precise rules which aim to a better quality of life for all. And the degradation is voluntary and man-made should also be controlled and modified by him.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Latin America has its biodiversity at risk

Deforestation and water pollution by toxic waste are part of the environmental problems plaguing the region, which has 70 percent of the planet's biological diversity.

Latin America, home to eight of the 17 countries that hold up to 70 percent of the planet's biological diversity, held on Saturday the World Environment Day in the midst of serious threats such as deforestation, pollution and drought.

According to experts, countries like Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru or Venezuela, which are part of the group of nations with the greatest variety of fauna and flora of the world, have serious environmental problems which, in rare cases, has responded appropriately.

The United Nations Organization (UN) has warned in particular that a third of global deforestation occurs in this region, which accounts for 22 percent of native forests, which means 860 million hectares.

In Brazil, the most biologically diverse country, from August 2008 to July 2009 were devastated 7464 square kilometers of the Amazon, according to official figures.

In Colombia, which remains in the list of biodiversity, it is estimated that about 300,000 hectares of forest are destroyed each year by direct cause of drug production. For a gram of cocaine is just about four square meters of forest, say authorities.

Deforestation for charcoal (30 million copies a year) threatens to turn into a desert to Haiti today with a forest cover of only 2 percent.

This phenomenon is added other dramas environmental pollution generated especially by mining and toxic waste, or lack of water.

Cuba, for example, faces a severe and prolonged drought in much of the country. According to experts, by 2009 it was one of the four less rain in the last 109 years on the island.

In Argentina, the Matanza-Riachuelo, on the southern edge of Buenos Aires has been, for decades the most polluted waterway in the country, receiving approximately 88,500 meters of industrial waste cu.

National Park of Laguna del Tigre, Guatemala and considered the largest wetland in Mesoamerica, dying by invasion, oil extraction and penetration of drug trafficking.

Chile, in turn, still lives the consequences of pollution by lead and arsenic in Arica, on the border with Peru, where 80 were deposited 20,000 tons of toxic waste.

Peru is a critical event in the region

This country is experiencing an acute situation in La Oroya, a town considered the most polluted city in A. America, where Doe Run operates. American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in 2007 gave precautionary measures on behalf of 65 residents, after finding that his health was at risk from high levels of contamination due to metal particles released by this industry.

Thanks to eltiempo.com

Noise pollution: The tit change their song by the sounds of Madrid, according to a study

Madrid, June 7 (EFE) .- The great tit ('Parus major'), a small bird and common in parks and gardens, distinguished by a characteristic black color tie, contrasting with the yellow belly modifies its song as the noise of cities as Madrid.

This was revealed in a study in the capital of Spain and Diego Gil Salaberria Concepción, Department of Evolutionary Ecology, National Museum of Natural Sciences-CSIC.

Research has determined how it affects the background noise in the city of Madrid in the frequency of song of the great tit, a species listed 'special interest' in the National Catalogue of Threatened Species.

The work, published in the journal 'Ardeola' SEO / BirdLife, shows that the charcoal in locations more sing louder and lower minimum frequency bandwidth of singing in quieter places, a strategy that allows them to be better perceived by their peers in situations of high levels of urban noise.

"This plasticity in the song may be one of the factors that contribute to successful colonization by species of the cities," the authors conclude.

The results obtained in Madrid, according to Spanish scientists corroborate previous studies developed in other European cities for the great tit and other species. EFE

Thanks to ABC.ES

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rural Clarington residents want say on proposed wind farms

KIRBY -- Residents are bracing for possible winds of change in Clarington.

Two wind farm proposals are being considered in Clarington, which has some rural residents concerned about the consequences of wind turbines in their area.

"We are smack dab in the middle of both sites," said Heather Rutherford, who lives in Kirby. "We live on a farm and our kids are the fourth generation to live on this farm. It's a property that's important to the family, not just valuable but a lot of sentimental history."

Ms. Rutherford is the spokesperson for 'Clarington Wind Concerns', a group of local citizens who live in the study area of the wind farms.

The two wind farms, one by Energy Farming called ZEP Wind Farm Ganaraska and the other by Clarington Wind Farm Leader Energy are both in the early stages.

ZEP Wind Farm Ganaraska is studying the area from Mosport Park to Kendalwood Park to see if it's suitable for a wind farm. Clarington Wind Farm Leader Energy is considering the land from Kirby to Port Granby.

"It's really important for us to be in complete harmony with residents in this project. We take noise and concerns very seriously," said Ariel Bautista, Clarington Wind Farm Leader Energy project coordinator.

Ms. Rutherford said residents are worried about possible health impacts, from sleep disturbance to migraines. With Kirby Public School in the middle of the study area, the group is concerned about whether the turbines could impact developing children. They are also worried about disrupting the natural habitat on the Oak Ridges Moraine.

The noise is also a concern for the group. Provincial legislation has limited the noise from wind turbines to 40 decibels. Ms. Rutherford has concerns about how the noise level can be measured and the restrictions enforced.

Residents are also concerned their property values could decline.

"We're really concerned about the health effects. We're really concerned about our kids. We're protecting our kids," said Ms. Rutherford. "I don't want these in my backyard, but I don't want them in your backyard either, until they can prove it won't harm families."

But studies have found no direct link between wind turbines and health impacts, said Mr. Bautista. Over time property values around wind farms remain similar or even increase slightly, according to the project manager.

Mr. Bautista said Clarington Wind Farm Leader Energy is proposing a small 10-megawatt project. He said the wind turbines will be set back from homes beyond the 550 metres the Province mandates. At that distance the wind turbines Leader Energy plans to use will be no louder than the hum of a quiet office, he added.

The turbines will produce green energy and setbacks mean the project will protect the agricultural land from urban sprawl, according to Mr. Bautista. The company is consulting with conservation authorities to arrange the final placement out of flight paths and away from streams.

"This is a community-owned project by Ontario residents," said Mr. Bautista. "We encourage people to approach us with their opinions. We do want to go forward transparently."

In an effort to create more renewable energy in Ontario, the Province passed the Green Energy Act last spring, which took control for these projects out of the hands of municipalities. The Province now approves new alternative energy and has control over safety regulations.

The doesn't mean local government has no involvement. The proponent has to consult with the municipality on municipal service connections, traffic management plans during construction and operation, rehabilitation of temporary disturbance areas and any municipal infrastructure damaged during construction, emergency management procedures and safety protocols and proposed site landscaping.

Clarington council asked for a staff report on the proposed wind farms.

"We know that wind turbines are the responsibility of the provincial government," said Councillor Charlie Trim. "In order to talk to residents it would be wise to have some details."

Council has no power to approve or reject a wind farm, if it meets provincial regulations. There is no need for a zoning change or other municipally regulated public review and approval process.

"We get to comment but our comments are quite limited," said Faye Langmaid, Clarington acting director of planning. "Our comments are limited to roads, service connections and other things like emergency procedures."

Residents will have more freedom to voice their concerns. Under Green Energy Act regulations, the project proponents must give public notice to neighbours within 1.5 kilometres of the proposed facility. The proponents also hold a community consultation meeting, so residents and interested parties can be consulted. ZEP held a community meeting last July at the Orono Town Hall. Leader Energy is expected to hold its first required public meeting this summer.

The proponents must show community consultation and explain how they tried to address residents' concerns, according to Ms. Langmaid.

'Clarington Wind Concerns' is inviting residents to a public information meeting on Thursday, June 10 at 7 p.m. at the Orono Arena. There will be several guest speakers, including Durham MPP John O'Toole, and a chance for the public to raise their concerns.

"A lot of people I speak to don't know the development is proposed for this area," said Ms. Rutherford.

The group is hoping the meeting will educate the public.

"We're hoping to facilitate a community discussion," said Ms. Rutherford. "There's been no discussion in our community until this point."

Thnks to newsdurhamregion

Bolivia promotes organic food production

La Paz, Jun 2 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Rural Development and Land in Bolivia today presents a strategy for ecological food production with an investment of eight million dollars for the next three years.

The program will be led by the National Council for Organic Production (CENAP) and resources will come from the Spanish Agency for International Development (Say), sources with the ministry.

According to its organizers, the plan aims to provide financial resources to encourage deliveries in seven of nine departments and 20 of the 337 municipalities, which are expected to benefit about five thousand people.

It will also allow public policies to promote development of organic farming at the level of small farmers, promote an increase in the quantity and quality of items through knowledge management, investments and marketing in domestic and international.

The political and strategic aspects of organic production will be controlled by the CENAP, the ministry of agriculture.

Thanks PrensaLatina

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Create Organic Swimwear

Katharine Hamnett designed a line of pieces made from organic cotton and other fabrics that do not harm the environment

Committed to caring for the environment, British designer Katharine Hamnett created a green swimsuit.

According to the page catwalkqueen.tv, teamed up with designer to design the line Yooxygen Save the Sea

Hamnett made 14 different styles of swimwear and each piece was made with organic cotton and other organic fabrics.

The line is inspired by the '50s and includes striking prints in one-piece suits, bikinis, bags and towels.

Through the Internet you can buy bathing suits, from $ 65 and a portion of sales will go to charity.