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Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Ozone Hole

The hole in the ozone layer and water degradation and deforestanción, among others, is one of the most important factors affecting the environment.
The ozone layer represents the part of the atmosphere in which the concentration is higher. The hole in the ozone layer was discovered in 1985 and with the passage of time is increasing.

In 1902, Leon had detacado Borca Teissenrec the important role of the ozone layer since it is capable of absorbing the sun's rays, ultraviolet rays indeed. But in 1974, two American scientists, Mario Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland first formulated the theory of depletion of the ozone layer due to the impact of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that appeared in 1938. In 1985, J. Farman of the British Antarctica Survey (BAS) announced that a "hole" temporary but significant (mean 50% loss) occurs each spring in the ozone layer over Antarctica since 1979 and is reabsorbed in the early fall. Here, by way of example, the image of the evolution of the hole in the ozone layer over 20 years, from 1979-1999.

Ozone (O3) is a particular chemical form of oxygen, very unstable and reactive. Ozone is generated by the bombing of the stable oxygen molecule (O2) by ultraviolet (UV). Prerequisite: the presence of oxygen is produced in large quantities with the proliferation of photosynthetic organisms in the Precambrian.

We talk about hole in the ozone layer when the value of the column is integrated into ozone below 220 Dobson units (normal is 300 Dobson units, approximately). Dobson units express the totality of ozone in a column that comes out of the ground and the whole atmosphere atravieasa.

Of course, shortly discuss how damaging the hole in the ozone layer to the environment.

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