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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Collecting objects can be pathological?

In principle, provided that this hobby is grown in a controlled manner, collect objects is beneficial from a psychological point of view, allowing skills and develop very positive attitudes to the individual, as the constancy, order, patience or memory , Among others. But doing it in an exaggerated manner is a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder (one of its variants is known as Diogenes Syndrome ") and addiction to shopping, two mental illnesses that affect approximately 12% of the population.

Francisca Lopez Torrecillas, a professor in the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, University of Granada and an expert on addictions, warns that in recent years "has encountered a major increase" in cases where collecting has led to exaggerated obsessive-compulsive disorder or an addiction to shopping. The researcher pointed out that features such as an excessive need for control, perfectionism and meticulousness and order "are very common in people who have a hobby collecting objects, but are also closely related to the aforementioned psychological disorders. "

López Torrecillas says that collecting grows into an obsession, and therefore a problem, "in those subjects with a personal vulnerability", ie they have low self-esteem, poor social skills and disorders when face setbacks. When this feeling of ineffectiveness, "the compulsive collecting helps them feel better. "

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