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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Biodegradable slippers "planted"

The material used to manufacture the shoes that we fit our feet is well biodegradable.

But what happens if, in addition, once end of life footwear could be planted in our garden? This is what has gotten Christiaan Maats, that the recent international fashion week in Amsterdam (Netherlands) introduced the footwear collection of his company Virgin OAT Shoes. These sneakers made from fully biodegradable materials, whose development has meant two years of research, and are prepared to stop using them when we can grow a tree inside.

To display your creation on the catwalk, models wore Maats representing Adam and Eve naked pushing a cart with shoes and a tree growing inside. The shoes, which won second prize in the category "Green Fashion" will soon be on sale in shops in Europe in a limited edition of 900 pieces.

Thanks to muyinteresante.es

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