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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Harriers option to create a car wash without wasting water

It is "Inova Wash., regional company that uses biodegradable products are a mixture for washing vehicles, leading to savings of up to seven thousand gallons of water per year for every car they will use the new equipment.

With concern about the overexploitation of aquifers in the region and the excessive use of water, a group of entrepreneurs Harriers designed a project that avoids using the liquid when washing cars.

It is "Inova Wash., regional company that uses biodegradable products are a mixture for washing vehicles, leading to savings of up to seven thousand gallons of water per year for every car they will use the new equipment.

Rosalva Carreon Ibarra, creator of the project, said the idea came from the need to create a culture of caring for natural resources.

"With a liquid is sprayed the vehicle and is encapsulated with a microfiber," he said, "another thing we do is that when the cloth is dirty (microfiber) wash them with the same water that washes the clothes at home and therefore does not require additional water.

"The important thing here is that in addition to not use water, do not pollute the ground water and not removed for washing cars, and other liquid used."

He stressed that the least minimize the use of the element water extraction increasingly deeper levels, which means that in some cases are components that exceed the allowable concentrations for human consumption, such as sulfate, nitrate and arsenic.

The car wash through the system "Inova Wash" has the same price as a car wash in which water itself is used.

Carreon Ibarra said this ecological mechanism has already been presented to local authorities so that they in turn manage permissions to use it for government agencies and companies that use and work units in particular.

"Unfortunately it was not given follow-up and there was no response," he said.

However, biodegradable liquid that promote help repel dirt and rain drops over time, creates a protection against ultraviolet rays, which helps prevent oxidation and discoloration of the paint.

Reported that the car wash at home includes spending on average 20 to 30 liters of water, but in companies accounted for trucks up to 200 liters, figures that with this system are unnecessary.

Carreon Ibarra said if you push the bill could generate up to 200 sources of employment.

"The idea is that young working students, single mothers or women who are studying to enter the work force part time so you do not leave school, they provide one meal a day and also give them Social Security," he said.

He said there is still against the project because the companies themselves prefer to give opportunity to the car wash that has long been working.

Thanks to Milenio

The pollution causes seven times more deaths than road accidents

At least 16,000 people die prematurely because of pollution in Spain, according to estimates by the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM). This figure is seven times that of deaths in traffic accidents in 2010. In the whole European Union (EU), the figure rises to 370,000 deaths due to poor air quality. Children, the elderly and the chronically ill or with cardiac pathology are the most vulnerable to this environmental problem.

"The scientific community has no doubt about the harmful effects of pollution on respiratory health and agrees on the need to reduce urban pollution," said Cristina Martinez, coordinator of the environmental area of the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR).

"Breathing clean air is a right of all people," said Juan Ruiz Manzano, chairman of the SEPAR. The gases emitted from exhaust pipes of traffic and industrial areas or energy production are the major causes of this environmental health problem.

Another European study, including Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia, reveals that levels of these particles suspended in air pollutants (less than 2.5 microns) were reduced to 20 particles / microgram per cubic meter each city would prevent 11,375 premature deaths, ie 8,053 deaths from cardiopulmonary diseases and lung cancer 1296.

Thanks to muyinteresante.es

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Biodegradable slippers "planted"

The material used to manufacture the shoes that we fit our feet is well biodegradable.

But what happens if, in addition, once end of life footwear could be planted in our garden? This is what has gotten Christiaan Maats, that the recent international fashion week in Amsterdam (Netherlands) introduced the footwear collection of his company Virgin OAT Shoes. These sneakers made from fully biodegradable materials, whose development has meant two years of research, and are prepared to stop using them when we can grow a tree inside.

To display your creation on the catwalk, models wore Maats representing Adam and Eve naked pushing a cart with shoes and a tree growing inside. The shoes, which won second prize in the category "Green Fashion" will soon be on sale in shops in Europe in a limited edition of 900 pieces.

Thanks to muyinteresante.es

Madrid in 2010 had the best air quality data

The Minister of Environment, Housing and Planning, Ana Isabel MariƱo, said today that the Community of Madrid in 2010 had the best air quality data for the last fifteen years.

This was stated after the meeting of the Environment Sector Conference, where the owner of the field, Rosa Aguilar, has sought the cooperation of all the regions to present in July a national plan for pollution control and all autonomy have shown their willingness to cooperate with this initiative.

In the region of Madrid, in recent years, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has been reduced by 51.8 percent, sulfur dioxide at 72.9 percent, particulate matter PM 10 by 34.7 by percent and carbon monoxide, a 68.8 per cent.

In the case of the Spanish capital, nitrogen dioxide was reduced by 32.30, the sulfur dioxide by 69.7 percent, particulate matter PM 10 by 46.3 percent and carbon monoxide by 71 , 43 percent.

Marino emphasized that this indicates that the region of Madrid is "doing homework", but added that "pollution is not good" and must "move forward to improve air quality."

After the controversies that have been created in recent days about air pollution in Madrid, the Minister of Environment has set out the measures being taken in the Community in recent years.

Highlighted the existence of 6,000 park and ride, the operation of 100 kilometers of Metro and 85 new underground stations, 13 million trees planted, support for energy efficiency in buildings, helps to remove the coal-heating development of 30,000 eco-driving courses.

He also alluded to the 75 percent bonus for electric cars in road tax in the city of Madrid and the creation of large parks like Forest South, in San Sebastian de los Reyes.

Marino explained that the national plan for pollution control is pending since 2007, as the Air Quality Act required the Department to make plans for prevention and control of pollution and the Law of Mobility.

He noted that in the working committees which are believed to form the national plan for pollution control should be present representatives of the Ministries of Finance and Development because environmental policies are transverse.

Has justified the presence of Development and Finance at these meetings by stating that "national infrastructure greatly affect the traffic in big cities" and defend the review of fiscal policy with respect to hydrocarbon contaminants.


Thanks to ABC

Youth are more creative hyperactivity

Chicago .- The disorder of young adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have more creativity than individuals who are not affected by this disease, according to a study by the University of Michigan (UM).

The research, coordinated by professor of psychology at UM, Holly White, says that adults with ADHD also prefer different styles of thinking and like to generate ideas, but are not good when it comes to completing tasks.

In the study, implemented in 2006 and whose findings are published in the current issue of the journal Personality and Individual Differences, involving 60 undergraduates, half of them with ADHD.

The participants answered a questionnaire about their performance in areas such as music, visual arts, culinary arts, inventions and writing. People with ADHD had better scores than individuals without the disorder.

ADHD is a neurological disorder characterized by moderate to severe distractibility, short attention span, restlessness, emotional instability and impulsive behaviors.

The researchers felt that their results could be attributed, in part because the examinees are university that can form a group of motivated people with ADHD peculiar and successful, although the study ensured that the two types of participants had similar academic achievements.